Green Technology Marketplace 2023
January 20, 2023
本国際シンポジウムシリーズでは、世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)によるWIPO GREENをはじめとしたグローバルな取り組みのなかで、
2021年はアジア太平洋地域、2022年はアフリカ諸国に焦点を当て、国内外の多様な研究者・専門家を集めて議論した。2023年は、成長著しい一方、環境問題が顕在化してきたメキシコとベトナムから講師を招き、また、国内民間企業のグローバルな活動例を紹介し、WIPO GREENの技術者ネットワークや国際データベースなどのプラット フォームを活用した日本の環境技術の海外移転について議論する。
In this international symposium series, in the context of global initiatives such as WIPO GREEN by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), we will discuss
1. how to realize overseas transfer of Japanese environmental technologies, and
2. how to realize sustainable development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the partner countries through such transfer. Research issues and their solutions will be discussed.
Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region in 2021 and African countries in 2022, we brought together a diverse range of researchers and experts from Japan and abroad to discuss the issues. In 2023, we will invite lecturers from Mexico and Vietnam, which have been experiencing remarkable growth but have also been facing environmental problems, and introduce an example of global activities by Japanese SMEs. The program will also discuss the transfer of Japan’s environmental technologies overseas by utilizing WIPO GREEN's network of engineers and international database.
日本語版(PDF: 7.8 MB)
English version (PDF: 7.7 MB)
Keynote Speech
田内幸治 Koji Tauchi (PDF: 0.7 MB)
Development of eco-friendly alternatives to the omnipresent plastic material and the current status of Environmental sound technology development in Mexico
Sandra Pascoe Ortiz, Irma Livier De Regil Sánchez (PDF: 8.1 MB)
Vietnam researches, develops and applies postharvest technologies towards a sustainable agriculture
Trang Nguyen (PDF: 4.6 MB)
To contribute to a sustainable, circular society through water treatment
藤田香 Kaori Fujita (PDF: 9.9 MB)