Professor, Dr. of Engineering (to my Japanese homepage)

My illusion " Ambiguous Garage Roof"

The roof of a garage and its mirror image appear to be quite different. The human brain likes to interpret the edge of the roof as a planar cut perpendicular to the axis of the roof, but actually ... Visit here for the "Ambiguous Objects" and construction kit for the garage roof.

Meiji University distinguished professor emeritus
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS)
Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property
Meiji University
4-21-1 Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-8525, Japan
E-Mail :kokichis(a)

First Prize of the Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2020
"3D Schroeder Staircase"

My illusion won the first prize at the Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2020. Visit here for more information.

Lecture Series for Those Who Stay Home "World of 3D Optical Illusion"

Many people in the world are fighting against the new coronavirus, but I cannot do anything except for just staying home. So I decided to start this series of lectures on 3D optical illusion with the hope that they could entertain those who stay home. This is my way of fighting against the new coronavirus.

The World Smallest Metallic Impossible Object has been made.

The object was 3D printed by a new printing technology originally developed by ETH, Switzerland. The smallest one is a collection of cylinders with 10 micromieter-scale diameters, which appear circluar in one view direction but rectangular in the second view direction. See here for the details.

First Prize of the Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2018

This illusion won the First Prize at the The video artwork is Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2018j.
See here for the tiriply ambiguous objects.

From Recent Topics

Here are recent topics on my research and related activities.

Evolution of Impossible Objects