I. Hagiwara, Autonomous Driving & AI~ Take advantage of the human skills, TUM-UT German-Japan Workshop / Symposium AI-Accountability and Autonomous Car Driving
L.Diago,I. Hagiwara,A study on data acquisition and its processing to construct a rating system of diagnosis ability, MIMS共同利用共同研究拠点研究集会「人工知能の現在と、次世代への実用化ー医療画像に対する有効な解析手法の開発に向けてー」、明治大学中野キャンパス
X. Zhao,Experimental and numerical collapse properties of externally pressurized egg-shaped shells under local geometrical imperfections J. Zhang, J. Tan, W. Tang, Y. Zhu,International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 175
Diago L., Shinoda J., Hagiwara I. (2020) Meta-Heuristic Approaches for Automatic Roof Measurement in Solar Panels Installations. In: Llanes Santiago O., Cruz Corona C., Silva Neto A., Verdegay J. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Emerging Technologies for Engineering Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 872. Springer, Cham, pages 39-52
中山幸二「自動運転をめぐるジュネーブ道路交通条約と法整備の最新動向~Meiji Law 同窓生への応援歌として~」明治大学法科大学院論集22号.pp.49-80.