2. Research


Research Topic on our Lab.

“Reproducing Life-like Behaviors using Inanimate Materials, and Uncovering Fundamental Mechanisms of Life-like Phenomena”

We challenge to elucidate the universal mechanism by reproducing the characteristic phenomena observed in biological systems without using living materials. In our lab., we focus on “self-propelled motion”, “rhythmic phenomena”, and “pattern formation phenomena”, and try to reproduce such behaviors in non-living systems. Furthermore, we construct mathematical model reproducing such characteristic phenomena and clarify the fundamental and universal mechanism of them.

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Self-propelled Motion

“Micromachines that directly convert chemical energy into kinetic energy”

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Rhythmic Phenomena

“Oscillation repeatedly between two or more different states”

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“A fascinating phenomenon in which beautiful structures and regular patterns are formed”

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Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences

Self-propelled Motion

Self-propelled motion of the BZ droplet

Collective motion of circular camphor disks

Rhythmic Phenomena

Chemical oscillatory reaction

Intermittent motion of a phenanthroline disk

Pattern formation phenomena

Target pattern in the BZ reaction

Dendritic structure of sodium chrolide