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Kanamoto, Rina     Associate Professor

Rina Kanamoto Associate Professor
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Academic Degree
PhD(Science), Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2004
Membership in Academic Societies
The Physical Society of Japan
American Physical Society

Research Interests

Cavity optomechanics: mechanical oscillators in quantum regime, formulation of dissipative quantum systems with feedback and measurements
Ultracold quantum matters: quantum many-body theory, superfluidity of atomic gas, matter-wave control using Laguerre-Gaussian beams
Quantum-classical correspondence: phase dynamics in Josephson junctions, coherent-state quantization

Experimental technique to prepare, measure, and control quantum systems has witnessed a significant development in recent decades. The quantum system we currently address includes mechanical oscillators that range from micro- to macroscopic size, and ultracold quantum-degenerate atoms under high-level control with the use of light. Our central interest lies in gaining a complete understanding of the quantum-classical correspondence of coherent phenomena by developing a quantum-classical interface theory that allows a full quantum treatment of coupled light-matter systems.

Selected Publications

  1. “Quantum superpositions of flow states on a Ring” Rina Kanamoto and Ewan M. Wright, Journal of Optics 13, 06401, (2011).
  2. “Optomechanics of a Quantum-Degenerate Fermi Gas” R. Kanamoto and P. Meystre, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 063601, (2010).
  3. “Topological Winding and Unwinding in Metastable Bose-Einstein Condensates” Rina Kanamoto, Lincoln D. Carr, and Masahito Ueda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 060401, (2008).
  4. “Phase Separation of a Fast Rotating Boson-Fermion Mixture in the Lowest-Landau-Level Regime”, Rina Kanamoto and Makoto Tsubota, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 200405, (2006).
  5. “Symmetry Breaking and Enhanced Condensate Fraction in a Matter-Wave Bright Soliton” Rina Kanamoto, Hiroki Saito, and Masahito Ueda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 090404, (2005).