

Last updated 1 October, 2014

10月23日(木)16:30 -18:00, 第二校舎6号館6718

原田 芽ぐみ 氏(McMaster University & 大阪市立大学)

Newton-Okounkov bodies, representation theory, and Bott-Samelson varieties

概要: The theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies is a far-reaching generalization of the theory of toric varieties. In particular, it can associate to any complex projective variety X a convex body (which is a rational polytope in many cases) of dimension equal to the complex dimension of X; in the case when X is a toric variety, the convex body is exactly the usual Newton polytope. Moreover, in a recent paper, Kaveh showed that the string polytopes in geometric representation theory are special cases of Newton-Okounkov bodies associated to flag varieties G/B. Hence the theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies is naturally related to many interesting questions in representation theory and Schubert calculus. The Bott-Samelson varieties give resolutions of singularities of Schubert varieties and are central in the study of the geometry of G/B. I will give an overview of this subject in relation to Newton-Okounkov bodies and discuss some recent and ongoing work, as well as some open questions.

5月14日(水)16:30 -18:00, 第二校舎6号館6718

窪田 陽介 氏(東大数理)

The joint spectral flow and localization of the indices of elliptic operators

概要: The joint spectral flow is a generalization of the spectral flow for n-parameter families of mutually commuting n-tuples of self-adjoint operators. Its precise definition is given in terms of Segal's model of the connective K-theory spectrum. I will explain an application of it for some localization results of indices, motivated by Witten's deformation of Dirac operators.

  1. G. Segal. K-homology theory and algebraic K-theory. In K-theory and operator algebras (Proc. Conf., Univ. Georgia, Athens, Ga., 1975), pp. 113-127. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 575. Springer, Berlin, 1977.
