

最新版のWORLDを引用する場合,「WORLD [1] (D4C edition [2])」としてください.
[1] M. Morise, F. Yokomori, and K. Ozawa, ``WORLD: a vocoder-based high-quality speech synthesis system for real-time applications,'' IEICE transactions on information and systems, vol. E99-D, no. 7, pp. 1877-1884, 2016.
[2] M. Morise, ``D4C, a band-aperiodicity estimator for high-quality speech synthesis,'' Speech Communication, vol. 84, pp. 57-65, Nov. 2016.


  • M. Morise, F. Yokomori, and K. Ozawa, ``WORLD: a vocoder-based high-quality speech synthesis system for real-time applications,'' IEICE transactions on information and systems, vol. E99-D, no. 7, pp. 1877-1884, 2016. (これはDIO,CheapTrick,PLATINUMで構成されるWORLDの論文です)
  • M. Morise, ``An attempt to develop a singing synthesizer by collaborative creation,'' Proc. the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013 (SMAC2013), pp. 287-292, Stockholm, July 30 - Aug. 3, 2013.
  • 森勢将雅,西浦敬信,河原英紀, ``高品質音声分析変換合成システムWORLDの提案と基礎的評価 ~基本周波数・スペクトル包絡制御が品質の知覚に与える影響~,'' 日本音響学会聴覚研究会, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 555-560, Toyama, Oct. 1-2, 2011. (聴覚研究会奨励賞受賞)


  • 森勢将雅,河原英紀,西浦敬信, ``基本波検出に基づく高SNRの音声を対象とした高速なF0推定法,'' 電子情報通信学会 論文誌D,vol. J93-D, no. 2, pp. 109-117, Feb. 2010.
  • M. Morise, H. Kawahara and H. Katayose, ``Fast and reliable F0 estimation method based on the period extraction of vocal fold vibration of singing voice and speech,'' AES 35th International Conference, CD-ROM, London UK, Feb. 11-13, 2009.

スペクトル包絡推定法:CheapTrick (Version 0.1.4以降)

  • M. Morise, ``CheapTrick, a spectral envelope estimator for high-quality speech synthesis,'' Speech Communication, vol. 67, pp. 1-7, March 2015.
  • M. Morise, ``Error evaluation of an F0-adaptive spectral envelope estimator in robustness against the additive noise and F0 error,'' IEICE transactions on information and systems, vol. E98-D, no. 7, pp. 1405-1408, July 2015.

スペクトル包絡推定法:STAR (Version 0.1.3まで)

  • M. Morise, Y. Yamashita, ``A method to estimate a temporally stable spectral envelope for periodic signals,'' Proc. ICA2013, 1aSCb, 6-page, Montreal, Canada, June 2-7, 2013.
  • 森勢将雅,松原貴司,中野皓太,西浦敬信, ``高品質音声合成を目的とした母音の高速スペクトル包絡推定法,'' 電子情報通信学会 論文誌D,vol. J94-D, no. 7, pp. 1079-1087, July 2011.

非周期性指標推定法:D4C (Version 0.2.0以降)

  • M. Morise, ``D4C, a band-aperiodicity estimator for high-quality speech synthesis,'' Speech Communication, vol. 84, pp. 57-65, Nov. 2016.
  • 森勢将雅,``帯域毎の非周期性指標推定法とその誤差評価,'' 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 115, no. 99, pp. 13-18, Niigata, June 18-19, 2015.

励起信号抽出法:PLATINUM (Version 0.1.4まで)

  • M. Morise, ``PLATINUM: A method to extract excitation signals for voice synthesis system,'' Acoust. Sci. & Tech., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 123-125, March 2012.