
Ichiro Tsukamoto

Professor School of Business Administration, Meiji University

Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-8301 Japan
Email: tsukamoi@meiji.ac.jp

Ichiro Tsukamoto is Professor of Public Management at the School of Business Administration, Meiji University, in Tokyo, Japan, where he specializes in public management, public private partnerships and social enterprises. He is the co-author of “Local Non-Profit -Government Partnerships in Japan”(Public Management Review, 8[4],2006) , Social Enterprise: A Global Comparison (Janelle A. Kerlin ed.) and “Comparative Study Between Japan and the UK on Shifting the Third Sector-Government Relationships” (International Journal of Public & Private Healthcare Management and Economics, 1[1],2011). He is also the author of “ The Potential of Nonprofit-Governance Partnerships for Promoting Citizen Involvement in Pestoff, V., T. Brandsen, and B.Verschuere, eds. (2012) New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-production. London: Routledge.

Please see his CV from here

  • Doctoral program completed with expulsion in Sociology,
    1995, Graduate School of Social Science, HITOTSUBASHI UNIVERSITY, Tokyo
  • M.A. in Sociology
    1991, Graduate School of Sociology, HOSEI UNIVERSITY, Tokyo
  • B.A. in Law
    1988, School of Law, WASEDA UNIVERSITY, Tokyo
  • Assistant Professor April 1995 to March 1996
    Faculty of Economics, Saga University
    social policy
  • Associate Professor April 1996 to March 2001
    Faculty of Economics, Saga University
    social policy
  • Associate Professor April 2001 to March 2002
    Department of Public Management, School of Business Administration, Meiji University
    Public Management, Social Enterprise
  • Professor April 2002-
    Department of Public Management, School of Business Administration, Meiji University
    Public Management, Nonprofit Organization, Social Enterprise
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