Workshop with Dr. Lionel Fatton
“Japan’s Rush to the Pacific War:
Civil-Military Relations, Threat Perception,
and the 1936 Withdrawal from the Washington System”



On Monday 16 January, the Meiji University Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer will host a workshop titled, “Japan’s Rush to the Pacific War: Civil-Military Relations, Threat Perception, and the 1936 Withdrawal from the Washington System”.

In this seminar, Dr. Lionel Fatton, Lecturer of International Relations at Webster University Geneva and Research Associate at CERI-Sciences Po Paris, will discuss Japan’s decision to withdraw from the Washington System of naval arms control in 1936. He will first show that in taking this decision the Japanese government overreacted to what was actually a limited American threat. He will then argue that this overreaction was triggered not by the behavior of a warmonger Imperial Japanese Navy, because the latter played properly its role as a defense institution, but by structural flaws in civil-military relations that dated back to the Meiji Restoration era.

*This workshop is hosted by the Meiji University Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, supported by the Forum for the History of Armaments Industry and Arms Transfer, and is supported by the Forum for the History of Armaments Industry and Arms Transfer. It is partially funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)-supported Program for the Strategic Research Foundation at Private Universities, 2015-2019, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP16K17075 (Post-Cold War Conventional Arms Control in Historical Context: Towards Collaboration between Security Studies and History), JP16KT0040 (Popular Basis and Technological Basis of Military/Para-Military Conflicts: Causalities and Norms for Dispute-Settlement and Avoidance), and JP25244029 (Comprehensive Historical Study on the Failure of Disarmament and Arms Control: Chain Structure of the Arms Transfer between the Wars).




明治大学駿河台キャンパス リバティタワー9階 1095室

101-8301 東京都千代田区神田駿河台1-1




Main Speaker Dr. Lionel Fatton (Lecturer, Webster University Geneva; Research Associate, CERI-Sciences Po Paris)
Discussant Dr. Chikako Ueki Kawakatsu (Professor, Waseda University)
Chair Dr. Tamara Enomoto (Research Fellow, Meiji University Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer)





