n-Hexane sensitivity of Escherichia coli due to low expression of imp/ostA encoding an 87 kDa minor protein associated with the outer membrane.

Novel role of cytoplasmic dynein motor in maintenance of the nuclear number in conidia through organized conidiation in Aspergillus oryzae
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Functional analysis of the calcineurin-encoding gene cnaA from Aspergillus oryzae : evidence for its putative role in stress adaptation.
   <Arch. Microbiol.179:416-422>

In vivo visualization of the distribution of a secretory protein in Aspergillus oryzae hyphae using the RntA-EGFP fusion protein.
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Cloning and overexpression of b-N-acetyl glucosaminidase encoding gene nagA from Aspergillus oryzae and enzyme -catalyzed synthesis of human milk oligosaccharide.
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