The Centre for Business Information Ethics (CBIE) is a research institute
on computer ethics/information ethics set up at Meiji University, Tokyo,
Japan in 2006.
The CBIE is a research partner of the EU-Japan.AI (Advancing Collaboration and Exchange of Knowledge Between the EU and
Japan for AI-Driven Innovation in Manufacturing) project.
The MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
Japan) Programme for Strategic Research Bases at Private Universities (2012-16)
project "Organisational Information Ethics" S1291006
What's new!
- 16 April 2012: The centre successfully got research grants!
- The MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) Programme for Strategic Research Bases at Private Universities (2012-16) project "Organisational Information Ethics" S1291006 (principal investitgator: Kiyoshi Murata)
- The Mext Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 24330177 "Organisational
and Individual Behaviour, and Personal Information Protection in the Age
of Social Media" (principal investigator: Andrew A. Adams)
- 1 April 2012: A paper was published in International Review of Information Ethics.
- 26 July 2011: Dr Colin Bennett at Victoria University, Canada will provide
his talk about privacy at Meiji University!
- Date: Tuesday 9th August 2011
- Venue: The First Meeting Room on the third floor of the University Hall, Meiji University
- Programme:
- (a) 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm: Kiyoshi Murata, "Recent topics on privacy"
- (b) 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm: Dr Colin Bennett, "Social Networking and the Protection of Personal Privacy: What, if Anything, has Changed?"
- 28 June 2011: A joint work done by Yohko Orito and Kiyoshi Murata and a
work done by Ryoko Asai will be presented at ETHICOMP 2011 held at Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.
- 3 June 2011: A joint work done by Kiyoshi Murata and Yohko Orito was presented
at CEPE 2011 held in Milwaukee, Wis, USA.
- MurataCK. and Y. Orito (2011), The Right to Forget/Be Forgotten. (extended abstract)
- 1 April 2011: CBIE was awarded a research grant from the KDDI Foundation.
- "A Comparative Study of Young People's Online Behaviour between Japan
and the United Kingdom" in collaboration with Prof S. Williams and
OdinLab at the University of Reading, UK.
- 31 March 2011: A paper was published in Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
- 21 December 2010F A paper was published in Entreprises et Histoire.
- 21 December 2010: Two papers were published as chapters of Ethical Issues and Social Dilemmas in Knowledge Management: Organizational
Innovation published from IGI Global.
- 28 September 2010: A paper was published in Computers and Society.
- 25 September 2010: Two papers were published in Special Issue on Intercultural Information Ethics of International Review of Information Ethics.
- Asai, R. (2010), NEKAMA Men Living Different Lives on the Internet, International Review of Information Ethics, Vol. 13, pp. 12-19.
- Murayama, K., T. T. Lennerfors and K. Murata (2010), Winny and the Pirate
Bay: A Comparative Analysis of P2P Software Usage in Japan and Sweden from
a Socio-cultural Perspective, International Review of Information Ethics, Vol. 13, pp. 20-25.
- 14-16 April 2010: Three papers were presented at@ETHICOMP 2010.
- Murata, K., Information Ethics and Culture: Revisiting Traditional Japanese
Ethical Values (Keynote).
- Murata, K. and Y. Orito, Japanese Risk Society: Trying to Create Complete
Security and Safety Using Information and Communication Technology.
- Asai, R. and K. Murata, Work-life Balance in the Japanese Information and
Communication Technology Industry: Who Thwarts Female Workers' Career Development?
About the Centre
Research at the Centre
@ Papers
@ Academic Conferences
@ Funded Research
- The KDDI Foundation-Funded Research
- "A Comparative Study of Young People's Online Behaviour between Japan
and the United Kingdom" in collaboration with Prof S. Williams and
OdinLab at the University of Reading, UK.
- 1st April 2011 - 30th June 2012
International Cooperation
@ International Advisory Board
@ International Cooperative Research
Contact us
Centre for Business Information Ethics
Global Front 408A, Meiji University
1-1, Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda
Tokyo 101-8301 Japan
Tel/Fax +81 3 3296 4163
Email ethicj@kisc.meiji.ac.jp |
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