


これは,アメリカ合衆国の106回議会において多数提出されている2000年コンピュータ問題対策法案の一つである「2000年準備及び損害賠償責任法案」(HR 775 PCS)の仮訳です。誤訳もあるかもしれません。ご注意ください。




HR 775 PCS
1st Session

May/13/1999 Received; read twice and placed on the calendar




SECTION 1. 略  称

この法律は,「2000年準備及び損害賠償責任法(Year 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act」として引用することができる。

SEC. 2.  議会宣言


(1) 連邦議会は,企業における2000年問題への対処,評価,改善,試験について,企業が,2000年1月1日までの間の残されたわずかな期間内にその注意と資源を集中させるように働きかけているし,また,2000年問題に関連して企業が倒産する可能性を最小限に押さえようとしている。

(2) 2000年問題が,州際取引に対する無用な阻害要因とならないように,または,連邦裁判所及び州裁判所に対して無用な訴訟の提起を導かないようにするため,そして,2000年問題の持つ破壊的なものとなり得る経済的インパクトに耐えることのできる状態で企業が展開し存続することへのイニシアティブを提供するための立法をすることは,連邦議会にとって適切なことである。

(3) 2000年問題は,何らかの程度ですべての企業に実際上の悪影響を与えるであろうし,膨大な数の紛争を発生させることになるであろう。

(4) 多くの企業では,とりわけ小企業ではその煩雑さと費用負担のために,2000年問題を解決する方法として司法システムに助けを求めることができない。

(5) 企業関連の訴訟にしばしば伴う裁判遅延,費用負担,不確実性,管理上のロスは,2000年の日付変更に関連する困難を増悪させ得るだけであり,そして,そうした困難の正しい解決に反するような働きをするだけである。

(6) 広範かつ長期に及ぶ2000年裁判が,世界経済が効果的に機能するために大きな重要性を有する価値と信頼に基づく企業相互間のネットワークを傷付けてしまうかもしれないこと,そして,それが既に負荷加重となっている司法システムに対して耐え難い負担を負わせるものであることに合衆国内のすべての企業が関心を払うべきである,と連邦議会は考える。

(7) 気まぐれな当事者による馬鹿げた2000年訴訟が増殖してしまうと,それが司法システムの資源を圧迫することになり,また,本来救済を受けるべき正当な権利を有するまともな当事者には妨げとなって,裁判所へのアクセスをさらに制限することになるかもしれない。

(8) 連邦議会は,企業に対し,その2000年紛争上の責任に関して対策を講ずること,そして,2000年処理失敗を理由とする無用で時間の浪費となり費用倒れな裁判を回避することを推奨する。連邦議会は,2000年問題に関して紛争が存在するときは,紛争当事者相互が誠実に交渉することを支援し,そして,もし必要があるのであれば,紛争当事者に対し,裁判ではなく,任意で非拘束的な調停に入ることを奨励する。

SEC. 3. 定  義


(1) 契 約


(2) 損 害

損害賠償(damages」という用語は, 懲罰的損害賠償,填補損害賠償及び原状回復命令を意味する。

(3) 被  告

被告(defendant」という用語は, 2000年請求を主張される者を意味する。

(4) 経済的損失

経済的損失(economic loss」という用語は,

(A) 人身被害または有形の財産に対する加害から生ずる損害以外の損害を意味し;かつ,

(B) 一失利益もしくは販売利益に対する賠償,事業中断に対する賠償,被告の違法な作為もしくは不作為の結果として間接的に被った損失の賠償,第三者の請求によって生じた損失の賠償,特別損害として答弁されるべき損失の賠償,または,(統一商法典(the Uniform Commercial Code)もしくはそれと同等の州商法典中に定義されている)派生的損害の賠償を含むが,これらに限定されるわけではない。

(5) 政 府

政府(governmental entity」という用語は,連邦,州または地方自治体の機関,組織その他の団体または公務員(複数の裁判管轄権に服する機関,組織及び団体を含む。)を意味する。

(6) 製造上の欠陥

製造上の欠陥(material defect」とは,有形・無形を問わず,すべての製品における欠陥,または,サービス提供における欠陥であって,その製品もしくはサービスが設計され,もしくは,意図されている作用もしくは機能を実質的に満たしていないものを意味する。「製造上の欠陥」という用語は,製品の作用もしくは機能に対して重要でない悪影響もしくは最小限度の悪影響しか与えない欠陥,製品の部品についてのみ悪影響を与える欠陥であって,その製品全体としては設計されたとおりの作用もしくは機能を実質的に果たしている場合,または,サービスの提供に対して重要でない悪影響もしくは最小限度の悪影響しか与えない欠陥を含まない。

(7) 人


(8) 人身被害

人身被害(personal injury」という用語は,自然人に対する物理的な侵害を意味し,人の死亡,精神的な被害,感情的な苦痛,または,物理的な侵害に関連して自然人が被る類似の要素を含む。

(9) 原  告


(10) 懲罰的損害賠償

懲罰的損害賠償(punitive damages」という用語は,加害者を懲罰する者に対して,または,加害者もしくは第三者が将来に同様の行為を行うことを防止する者に対して認められる損害賠償を意味する。

(11) 州


(12) 2000年訴訟

2000年訴訟(year 2000 action」という用語は,連邦法もしくは州法に基づく裁判所または契約上による仲裁委員会の審査手続においてなされるすべての種類の民事訴訟であって,その中で2000年請求が主張されているものを意味する。

(13) 2000年請求

2000年請求(year 2000 claim」という用語は,

(A) 人身被害を原因とする請求以外のすべての種類の民事訴訟上の請求もしくは訴訟原因であって,訴え(claim),反訴(counterclaim),交差請求(cross-claim),第三者引込請求(third-party claim)もしくはその他のいずれかであるかを問わず,原告の主張する損失もしくは危険が,直接または間接に,現実的もしくは潜在的な2000年処理の失敗に由来するものを意味し;

(B) 連邦政府もしくは州政府の機関によって,その商取引権限もしくは契約権限の範囲内にある行動としてなされる請求を含み;かつ,

(C) これら政府機関によって,その行政規制権限,監督権限もしくは強制権限の範囲内にある行動としてなされる請求を含まない。

(14) 2000年処理の失敗

2000年処理の失敗(year 2000 failure」という用語は,装置もしくはシステム(コンピュータ・システム,マイクロ・チップ,他の装置もしくはプロダクトに組み込まれた集積回路を含むが,これらに限定されるわけではない。),または,ソフトウェア,ファームウェア,その他の命令のセットもしくは集積による,2000年に関連する日付の処理,計算,比較,整列,表示,記憶,送信,受信において構成される失敗を意味する。

SEC. 4.  法律の適用

(a) 一般規則


(b) 新たな訴訟原因の非創設


(c) 人身損害賠償請求における適用除外

本法上のいなかる規定といえども,訴え(claim),反訴(counterclaim),交差請求(cross-claim),第三者引込請求(third-party claim)もしくはその他のいずれの方法によるとを問わず潜在的な人身損害賠償訴訟として提起されるものを含め,いかなる人身損害に基づく訴訟においても適用されてはならない。

(d) 州法に対する専占


(e) 他の民事訴訟



第I編 − 2000年訴訟のための標準的な準備手続


SEC. 101. 無用な2000年訴訟の回避のための通知手続

(a) 通知すべき時期


(1) 危険もしくは損失の原因であると主張する製造上の欠陥の徴候;

(2) 予定原告が被ったと主張sづる危険もしくは損失;

(3) 予定原告が欠陥及び被害の両方について当該の者に対し責任を負わせるための事実関係;

(4) 救済申立もしくは訴訟が予定原告によって求められるものであること; 並びに,

(5) 予定原告の代わりに当該紛争につき交渉する権限を有する者の氏名,資格(title),住所及び電話番号;


(b) 通知に対する応答

(1) 一般規定

Not later than 30 days after receipt of the notice specified in subsection (a), each prospective defendant shall send by certified mail with return receipt requested to each prospective plaintiff a written statement acknowledging receipt of the notice and describing any actions it has taken or will take by not later than 60 days after the end of that 30-day period, to remedy the problem identified by the prospective plaintiff.

(2) 非許容性


(3) 受領の時間推定


(c) 応答の失敗

If a prospective defendant fails to respond to a notice provided pursuant to subsection (a) within the 30-day period specified in subsection (b) or does not describe the action, if any, that the prospective defendant has taken or will take to remedy the problem identified by the prospective plaintiff within the subsequent 60 days, the 90-day period specified in subsection (a) shall terminate at the end of that 30-day period as to that prospective defendant and the prospective plaintiff may thereafter commence its action against that prospective defendant.

(d) 通知の失敗

If a defendant determines that a plaintiff has filed a year 2000 action without providing the notice specified in subsection (a) and without awaiting the expiration of the 90-day period specified in subsection (a), the defendant may treat the plaintiff's complaint as such a notice by so informing the court and the plaintiff in its initial response to the complaint. If any defendant elects to treat the complaint as such a notice--

(1) the court shall stay all discovery in the action involving that defendant for the applicable time period provided in subsection (a) or (c), as the case may be, after filing of the complaint; and

(2) the time for filing answers and all other pleadings shall be tolled during such applicable period.

(e) 契約上の猶予期間の効力


(f) SANCTION FOR FRIVOLOUS INVOCATION OF THE STAY PROVISION- In any action in which a defendant acts pursuant to subsection (d) to stay the action, and the court subsequently finds that the defendant's assertion that the suit is a year 2000 action was frivolous and made for the purpose of causing unnecessary delay, the court may award sanctions to opposing parties in accordance with the provisions of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the equivalent applicable State rule.

(g) 時の計算


(h) クラス・アクションに関する特別ルール


SEC. 102. 無用な2000年訴訟の回避のための訴訟外紛争解決

(a) 一般規定

(1) 101条(a)項に規定する90日の期間内においては,双方当事者とも,訴訟外の紛争解決手段(alternative dispute resolution)の利用を求めることができる。もし,その求めに応じて,当事者双方が,訴訟外の紛争解決手段の利用に合意するときは,90日の期間の延長に同意することもできる。

(2) 101条(a)項に規定する90日の期間が経過後のいかなる時期においても,訴え提起の前後を問わず,いずれの当事者も,相手方に対し,訴訟外の紛争解決手段の利用を求めることができる。

(b) 支払義務のある金銭の支払


(c) 解決済みの事項に関する訴訟手続の進行の終了


SEC. 103. 訴答(プリーディング)の要件

(a) 民事訴訟上のルールの適用


(b) 損害賠償の性質及び金額


(c) 製造上の欠陥


(d) REQUIRED STATE OF MIND- With respect to any year 2000 claim as to which the plaintiff may prevail only on proof that the defendant acted with a particular state of mind, the complaint shall, with respect to each element of the year 2000 claim, state with particularity the facts giving rise to a strong inference that the defendant acted with the required state of mind.

(e) 却下の申立;証拠開示手続の停止

(1) 訴答の要件の充足失敗を理由とする却下


(2) 証拠開示手続の停止


(3) 証拠保全

(A) 一般規定

During the pendency of any stay of discovery entered pursuant to this subsection, unless otherwise ordered by the court, any party to the action with actual notice of the allegations contained in the complaint shall treat all documents, data compilations (including electronically stored or recorded data), and tangible objects that are in the custody or control of such person and that are relevant to the allegations, as if they were a subject of a continuing request for production of documents from an opposing party under applicable Federal or State rules of civil procedure.

(B) 意図的な違反に対する罰則


SEC. 104. 2000年コンピュータ処理失敗及び損害発生を軽減させるべき義務

Damages awarded for any year 2000 claim shall exclude compensation for damages the plaintiff could reasonably have avoided in light of any disclosure or other information of which the plaintiff was, or reasonably should have been, aware, including information made available by the defendant to purchasers or users of the defendant's product or services concerning means of remedying or avoiding the year 2000 failure.


第II編 − 契約責任による2000年訴訟


SEC. 201. 2000年損害賠償責任免責のための契約条件の確実性

(a) 一般規定


(b) 契約の解釈


SEC. 202. 不可能であることの理論及び取引上実際的でないことの理論

(a) 不可能であること,または,取引上実際的でないこと


(b) 合理的な努力


SEC. 203. 2000年契約とは無関係な責任からの保護



第III編 − 不法行為及び契約責任以外の請求による2000年訴訟


SEC. 301. 比例責任

(a) 一般規定


(b) 損害の決定

(1) 一般規定

With respect to any year 2000 claim, the court shall instruct the jury to answer special interrogatories, or if there is no jury, shall make findings, with respect to each defendant and plaintiff, and each of the other persons claimed by any of the parties to have caused or contributed to the loss incurred by the plaintiff, including (but not limited to) persons who have entered into settlements with the plaintiff or plaintiffs, concerning the percentage of responsibility of the defendant, the plaintiff, and each such person, measured as a percentage of the total fault of all persons who caused or contributed to the total loss incurred by the plaintiff.

(2) 特別質問書または陪審評決の内容

The responses to interrogatories, or findings, as appropriate, under paragraph (1) shall specify the total amount of damages that the plaintiff is entitled to recover and the percentage of responsibility of each person found to have caused or contributed to the loss incurred by the plaintiff or plaintiffs.

(3) 考慮すべき要素


(A) 原告が被った損失の原因であるとして,または,これに寄与したものとして主張された者のそれぞれの行為の性質;並びに,

(B) それぞれの者の行為と原告もしくは原告らが被った損害との間のの相互の原因関係の性質及び範囲;

(4) 陪審に対する非開示


SEC. 302. 2000年処理の失敗とは無関係な責任の限定

(a) 一般規定


(1) 被告が,当該問題となっている2000年処理の失敗を発生させ,もしくは,その原因となった製造物の製造者,販売者,もしくは,配布者ではなく,そして,そのようなサービスの提供者でもなく,

(2) 原告が被告と重大な利害関係を有しておらず,かつ,

(3) 現実的もしくは潜在的な2000年処理の失敗についての被告の実際の認識または推定された認識が,適用可能な法律に基づく請求の要件となっている


(b) 重大な利害関係

For purposes of subsection (a)(2), a plaintiff and a defendant are in substantial privity when, in a year 2000 claim arising out of the performance of professional services, the plaintiff and the defendant either have contractual relations with one another or the plaintiff is a person who, prior to the defendant's performance of such services, was specifically identified to and acknowledged by the defendant as a person for whose special benefit the services were being performed.

(c) CERTAIN CLAIMS EXCLUDED- For purposes of subsection (a)(3), claims in which the defendant's actual or constructive awareness of an actual or potential year 2000 failure is an element of the claim under applicable law do not include claims for negligence but do include claims such as fraud, constructive fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, negligent misrepresentation, and interference with contract or economic advantage.

SEC. 303. 合理的な努力の抗弁


(1) 当該請求を申し立てられた当事者によって売却され,リースされ,賃貸され,あるいは,その当事者の支配の範囲内にあった機械,設備,システム,プロダクトまたはコンポーネント内で2000年処理の失敗が生じたという事実は,それのみでは損害回復の訴訟原因を構成するものとすることができず;かつ,

(2) 当該請求を申し立てられた当事者は,2000年処理の失敗がその請求の基礎となっている損害の発生させ,もしくは,招来しないようにすべく,当該状況の下で合理的な措置を講じたということをもって,完全な抗弁として構成する権利を有する。

SEC. 304. 損害賠償責任の限定

(a) 認定基準

With respect to any year 2000 claim for which punitive damages may be awarded under applicable law, the defendant shall not be liable for punitive damages unless the plaintiff proves by clear and convincing evidence that conduct carried out by the defendant showed a conscious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of others and was the proximate cause of the harm or loss that is the subject of the year 2000 claim. This requirement is in addition to any other requirement in applicable law for the award of such damages.

(b) 懲罰的損害賠償の上限

(1) 一般規定


(A) 原告に対し填補損害賠償として認められる額の3倍額;または,

(B) 250,000ドル.

(2) 特別ルール

(A) 一般規定


(i) 資産500,000ドル以下の個人である場合;

(ii)  フルタイムの労働者数が25人未満の非会社企業の経営者である場合;または,

(iii) フルタイムの労働者数が25人未満の

(I) 組合(a partnership);

(II) 会社(corporation);

(III) 社団(association);

(IV) 地方自治体の単位(unit of local government);もしくは,

(V) 組織(organization


(B) 適用可能性


(3) 裁判所による制限の適用


SEC. 305. 2000年訴訟における経済的損失の回復

(a) 経済的損失の回復に関する制限


(1) 原告が契約当事者となっている契約中において,当該損失の回復が約定されていること。

(2) 当該損失は,2000年処理の失敗による有形の身体もしくは不動産上の損害(2000年請求に含まれる当事者間の契約によって規律される財産上の損害を除く。)を訴訟原因とする2000年請求に付随するものであること。

(b) 回復は適用可能な法律によって許容されなければならない


SEC. 306. 執行役員及び取締役の責任

(a) 一般規定


(1) 100,000ドル;または,

(2) その責任の原因となった作為もしくは不作為の時から12ヶ月以内の期間内に企業もしくは組織から当該取締役もしくは執行役員に対して支払われた現金の総額;


(b) 解釈のルール



第IV編 − 2000年クラス・アクション


SEC. 401.  最小限の侵害の要件

(a) 一般規定


(b) 裁判所による決定


SEC. 402. 通 知

(a) 郵便による通知

In any year 2000 action that is maintained as a class action, the court, in addition to any other notice required by applicable Federal or State law, shall direct notice of the action to each member of the class by United States mail, return receipt requested. Persons whose actual receipt of the notice is not verified by the court or by counsel for one of the parties shall be excluded from the class unless those persons inform the court in writing, on a date no later than the commencement of trial or entry of judgment, that they wish to join the class.

(b) 通知内容


(1) 訴訟の性質を正確かつ明瞭に記載し;

(2) 当該訴訟を規律し,係属させるであろう法律を持つ管轄裁判所(jurisdiction)を特定し;

(3) その訴訟がクラス特定の要件を満足させるためのものとしてはクラス代理人が主張していない潜在的な請求を特定し;

(4)  describe the fee arrangements with class counsel, including the hourly fee being charged, or, if it is a contingency fee, the percentage of the final award which will be paid, including an estimate of the total amount that would be paid if the requested damages were to be granted; and

(5) クラスを選択する手続を記載しなければならない。

(c) 和 解


SEC. 403. クラス確定前の却下


SEC. 404. 2000年クラス・アクションの連邦の裁判管轄権

(a) 裁判管轄権


(b) 例 外



(A) 申し立てられた原告クラスのメンバー中の実質的な多数者が,主要な被告も州民である州と同じ州の州民であり,かつ,

(B) 主張されている請求が,当該州の法律によって規律されるであろう場合;または,

(2) 主要な被告が州,州の公務員,その他の州政府機関であって,それらに対して,連邦地方裁判所が救済命令の発令をしないものとすることができる場合;


第V編 − 2000年訴訟に関連する訴訟依頼者の保護


SEC. 501. 適用範囲


SEC. 502.  定  義


(1) 弁護士


(2) 弁護士サービス

The term `attorney's services' means the professional advice or counseling of or representation by an attorney, but such term shall not include other assistance incurred, directly or indirectly, in connection with an attorney's services, such as administrative or secretarial assistance, overhead, travel expenses, witness fees, or preparation by a person other than the attorney of any study, analysis, report, or test.

(3) 成功報酬

成功報酬(contingent fee」とは,弁護士サービスの費用または価額であって,和解もしくは判決によって得た金額に対して一定の割合を適用することによって決定されるものを意味し,その割合は,固定的に確定された割合,段階的ないしスライド式の割合,または,それらの組み合わせであり得る。

(4) 時間報酬

時間報酬(hourly fee」という用語は, 護士サービスの時間単位での費用または価額を意味する。

(5) 初回相談

初回相談(initial meeting」という用語は,電話によると対面によるとを問わず,原告の訴訟の詳細,事実関係または訴訟原因に関して,訴訟依頼人と弁護士との間で最初になされる打ち合わせもしくは討議を意味する。

(6) 雇 用

雇用(retain いう用語は,明示または黙示の合意のいずれによるとを問わず,弁護士サービスを求めて獲得することによって,弁護士サービスとの関係を持つに至る訴訟依頼者の行為を意味する。

SEC. 503. 時間報酬と成功報酬の情報の事前開示に関する消費者の権利


SEC. 504.  最初になされる打ち合わせ後の情報

(a) 報酬額の書面による開示

Within 30 days after the disclosure described under section 503, an attorney retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action shall provide a written statement to the client setting forth--

(1) in the case of an attorney retained on an hourly basis, the attorney's hourly fee for services in pursuing the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action and any conditions, limitations, restrictions, or other qualifications on the fee, including likely expenses and the client's obligation for those expenses; and

(2) in the case of an attorney retained on a contingent fee basis, the attorney's contingent fee for services in pursuing the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action and any conditions, limitations, restrictions, or other qualifications on the fee, including likely expenses and the client's obligation for those expenses.

(b) 報酬額に関して,タイムリーにアップデートされた情報を求めるための消費者の権利

In addition to the requirements contained in subsection (a), in the case of an attorney retained on an hourly basis, the attorney shall also render regular statements (at least once each 90 days) to the client containing a description of hourly charges and expenses incurred in the pursuit of the client's year 2000 claim or year 2000 action by each attorney assigned to the client's matter.

SEC. 505. 和解申出及び時間と報酬額に関する詳細文言についてタイムリーにアップデートされた情報を求めるための消費者の権利

An attorney retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action shall advise the client of all written settlement offers to the client and of the attorney's estimate of the likelihood of achieving a more or less favorable resolution to the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action, the likely timing of such resolution, and the likely attorney's fees and expenses required to obtain such a resolution. An attorney retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action shall, within a reasonable time not later than 60 days after the date on which the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action is finally settled or adjudicated, provide a written statement to the client containing--

(1) in the case of an attorney retained on an hourly basis, the actual number of hours expended by each attorney on behalf of the client in connection with the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action, the attorney's hourly rate, and the total amount of hourly fees; and

(2) in the case of an attorney retained on a contingent fee basis, the total contingent fee for the attorney's services in connection with the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action.

SEC. 506. クラス・アクション

An attorney representing a class or a defendant in a year 2000 action maintained as a class action shall make the disclosures required under this title to the presiding judge, in addition to making such disclosures to each named representative of the class. The presiding judge shall, at the outset of the year 2000 action, determine a reasonable attorney's fee by determining the appropriate hourly rate and the maximum percentage of the recovery to be paid in attorney's fees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or agreement to the contrary, the presiding judge shall award attorney's fees only pursuant to this title.

SEC. 507. 和解申出後における合理的な訴訟費用及び弁護士報酬の支払

(a) 和解の申出

With respect to any year 2000 claim, any party may, at any time not less than 10 days before trial, serve upon any adverse party a written offer to settle the year 2000 claim for money or property, including a motion to dismiss the claim, and to enter into a stipulation dismissing the claim or allowing judgment to be entered according to the terms of the offer. Any such offer, together with proof of service thereof, shall be filed with the clerk of the court.

(b) 和解申出の同意

If the party receiving an offer under subsection (a) serves written notice on the offeror that the offer is accepted, either party may then file with the clerk of the court the notice of acceptance, together with proof of service thereof.

(c) 重複した申出は排除されない

The fact that an offer under subsection (a) is made but not accepted does not preclude a subsequent offer under subsection (a). Evidence of an offer is not admissible for any purpose except in proceedings to enforce a settlement, or to determine costs and expenses under this section.

(d) 請求の免除

At any time before judgment is entered, the court, upon its own motion or upon the motion of any party, may exempt from this section any year 2000 claim that the court finds presents a question of law or fact that is novel and important and that substantially affects nonparties. If a claim is exempted from this section, all offers made by any party under subsection (a) with respect to that claim shall be void and have no effect.

(e) 訴訟費用の支払請求など

If all offers made by a party under subsection (a) with respect to a year 2000 claim, including any motion to dismiss the claim, are not accepted and the dollar amount of the judgment, verdict, or order that is finally issued (exclusive of costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred after judgment or trial) with respect to the year 2000 claim is not more favorable to the offeree with respect to the year 2000 claim than the last such offer, the offeror may file with the court, within 10 days after the final judgment, verdict, or order is issued, a petition for payment of costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred with respect to the year 2000 claim from the date the last such offer was made or, if the offeree made an offer under this section, from the date the last such offer by the offeree was made.

(f) 訴訟費用の支払の命令など

If the court finds, pursuant to a petition filed under subsection (e) with respect to a year 2000 claim, that the dollar amount of the judgment, verdict, or order that is finally issued is not more favorable to the offeree with respect to the year 2000 claim than the last such offer, the court shall order the offeree to pay the offeror's costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred with respect to the year 2000 claim from the date the last offer was made or, if the offeree made an offer under this section, from the date the last such offer by the offeree was made, unless the court finds that requiring the payment of such costs and expenses would be manifestly unjust.

(g) 弁護士報酬の額

Attorney's fees under subsection (f) shall be a reasonable attorney's fee attributable to the year 2000 claim involved, calculated on the basis of an hourly rate which may not exceed that which the court considers acceptable in the community in which the attorney practices law, taking into account the attorney's qualifications and experience and the complexity of the case, except that the attorney's fees under subsection (f) may not exceed--

(A) the actual cost incurred by the offeree for an attorney's fee payable to an attorney for services in connection with the year 2000 claim; or

(B) if no such cost was incurred by the offeree due to a contingency fee agreement, a reasonable cost that would have been incurred by the offeree for an attorney's noncontingent fee payable to an attorney for services in connection with the year 2000 claim.

(h) 衡平法上の民事救済における不適用


(i) クラス・アクションにおける不適用


SEC. 508. 2000年訴訟における消費者保護ルールの強制



To establish certain procedures for civil actions brought for damages relating to the failure of any device or system to process or otherwise deal with the transition from the year 1999 to the year 2000, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Year 2000 Readiness and Responsibility Act'.


The Congress finds the following:

(1) The Congress seeks to encourage businesses to concentrate their attention and resources in the short time remaining before January 1, 2000, on addressing, assessing, remediating, and testing their year 2000 problems, and to minimize any possible business disruptions associated with year 2000 issues.

(2) It is appropriate for the Congress to enact legislation to assure that year 2000 problems do not unnecessarily disrupt interstate commerce or create unnecessary case loads in Federal and State courts and to provide initiatives to help businesses prepare and be in a position to withstand the potentially devastating economic impact of the year 2000 problem.

(3) Year 2000 issues will affect practically all business enterprises to some degree, giving rise to a large number of disputes.

(4) Resorting to the legal system for resolution of year 2000 problems is not feasible for many businesses, particularly small businesses, because of its complexity and expense.

(5) The delays, expense, uncertainties, loss of control, adverse publicity and animosities that frequently accompany litigation of business disputes can only exacerbate the difficulties associated with the year 2000 date change, and work against the successful resolution of those difficulties.

(6) The Congress recognizes that every business in the United States should be concerned that widespread and protracted year 2000 litigation may threaten the network of valued and trusted business relationships that are so important to the effective functioning of the world economy, and which may put unbearable strains on an overburdened judicial system.

(7) A proliferation of frivolous year 2000 actions by opportunistic parties may further limit access to courts by straining the resources of the legal system and depriving deserving parties of their legitimate rights to relief.

(8) The Congress encourages businesses to approach their year 2000 disputes responsibly, and to avoid unnecessary, time-consuming and costly litigation based on year 2000 failures. Congress supports good faith negotiations between parties when there is a dispute over a year 2000 problem, and, if necessary, urges the parties to enter into voluntary, non-binding mediation rather than litigation.


In this Act:

(1) CONTRACT- The term `contract' means a contract, tariff, license, or warranty.

(2) DAMAGES- The term `damages' means punitive, compensatory, and restitutionary relief.

(3) DEFENDANT- The term `defendant' means any person against whom a year 2000 claim has been asserted.

(4) ECONOMIC LOSS- The term `economic loss'--

(A) means any damages other than damages arising out of personal injury or damage to tangible property; and

(B) includes, but is not limited to, damages for lost profits or sales, for business interruption, for losses indirectly suffered as a result of the defendant's wrongful act or omission, for losses that arise because of the claims of third parties, for losses that must be pleaded as special damages, and consequential damages (as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code or analogous State commercial law).

(5) GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY- The term `governmental entity' means an agency, instrumentality, other entity, or official of Federal, State, or local government (including multijurisdictional agencies, instrumentalities, and entities).

(6) MATERIAL DEFECT- The term `material defect' means a defect in any item, whether tangible or intangible, or in the provision of a service, that substantially prevents the item or service from operating or functioning as designed or intended. The term `material defect' does not include a defect that has an insignificant or de minimis effect on the operation or functioning of an item, that affects only a component of an item that, as a whole, substantially operates or functions as designed, or that has an insignificant or de minimis effect on the efficacy of the service provided.

(7) PERSON- The term `person' means any natural person and any entity, organization, or enterprise, including but not limited to corporations, companies, joint stock companies, associations, partnerships, trusts, and governmental entities.

(8) PERSONAL INJURY- The term `personal injury' means any physical injury to a natural person, including death of the person, and mental suffering, emotional distress, or like elements of injury suffered by a natural person in connection with a physical injury.

(9) PLAINTIFF- The term `plaintiff' means any person who asserts a year 2000 claim.

(10) PUNITIVE DAMAGES- The term `punitive damages' means damages that are awarded against any person to punish such person or to deter such person, or others, from engaging in similar behavior in the future.

(11) STATE- The term `State' means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and any other territory or possession of the United States, and any political subdivision thereof.

(12) YEAR 2000 ACTION- The term `year 2000 action' means any civil action of any kind brought in any court under Federal or State law, or an agency board of contract appeal proceeding, in which a year 2000 claim is asserted.

(13) YEAR 2000 CLAIM- The term `year 2000 claim'--

(A) means any claim or cause of action of any kind, other than a claim based on personal injury, whether asserted by way of claim, counterclaim, cross-claim, third-party claim, defense, or otherwise, in which the plaintiff's alleged loss or harm resulted, directly or indirectly, from a year 2000 failure;

(B) includes a claim brought in any Federal or State court by a governmental entity when acting in a commercial or contracting capacity; and

(C) does not include a claim brought by such a governmental entity acting in a regulatory, supervisory, or enforcement capacity.

(14) YEAR 2000 FAILURE- The term `year 2000 failure' means any failure by any device or system (including, without limitation, any computer system and any microchip or integrated circuit embedded in another device or product), or any software, firmware, or other set or collection of processing instructions, however constructed, in processing, calculating, comparing, sequencing, displaying, storing, transmitting, or receiving year 2000 date-related data.


(a) GENERAL RULE- This Act applies to any year 2000 claim brought after January 1, 1999, including any appeal, remand, stay, or other judicial, administrative, or alternative dispute resolution proceeding with respect to such claim.

(b) NO NEW CAUSE OF ACTION CREATED- Nothing in this Act creates a new cause of action, and, except as otherwise explicitly provided in this Act, nothing in this Act expands any liability otherwise imposed or limits any defense otherwise available under Federal or State law.

(c) EXCLUSION OF PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS- None of the provisions of this Act shall apply to any claim based on personal injury, including any claim asserted by way of claim, counterclaim, cross-claim, third-party claim, or otherwise, that arises out of an underlying action for personal injury.

(d) PREEMPTION OF STATE LAW- Except as otherwise provided in this Act, this Act supersedes State law to the extent that it establishes a rule of law applicable to a year 2000 claim that is inconsistent with State law.

(e) CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS- A person who is liable for damages, whether by settlement or judgment, in a claim or civil action to which this Act does not apply by reason of subsection (c) and whose liability, in whole or in part, is the result of a year 2000 failure may pursue any remedy otherwise available under Federal or State law against the person responsible for that year 2000 failure to the extent of recovering the amount of those damages. Any such remedy shall not be subject to this Act.





(a) NOTIFICATION PERIOD- Before filing a year 2000 action, except an action that seeks only injunctive relief, a prospective plaintiff shall send by certified mail to each prospective defendant a written notice that identifies, with particularity as to any year 2000 claim--

(1) any symptoms of any material defect alleged to have caused harm or loss;

(2) the harm or loss allegedly suffered by the prospective plaintiff;

(3) the facts that lead the prospective plaintiff to hold such person responsible for both the defect and the injury;

(4) the relief or action sought by the prospective plaintiff; and

(5) the name, title, address, and telephone numbers of any individual who has authority to negotiate a resolution of the dispute on behalf of the prospective plaintiff.

The notice under this subsection does not require descriptions of technical specifications or other technical details with respect to the material defect at issue. Except as provided in subsection (c), the prospective plaintiff shall not commence an action in Federal or State court until the expiration of 90 days after the date on which such notice is received. Such 90-day period shall be excluded in the computation of any applicable statute of limitations.


(1) IN GENERAL- Not later than 30 days after receipt of the notice specified in subsection (a), each prospective defendant shall send by certified mail with return receipt requested to each prospective plaintiff a written statement acknowledging receipt of the notice and describing any actions it has taken or will take by not later than 60 days after the end of that 30-day period, to remedy the problem identified by the prospective plaintiff.

(2) INADMISSIBILITY- A written statement required by this subsection is not admissible in evidence, under Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence or any analogous rule of evidence in any State, in any proceeding to prove liability for, or the invalidity of, a claim or its amount, or otherwise as evidence of conduct or statements made in compromise negotiations.

(3) PRESUMPTIVE TIME OF RECEIPT- For purposes of paragraph (1), a notice under subsection (a) is presumed to be received 7 days after it was sent.

(c) FAILURE TO RESPOND- If a prospective defendant fails to respond to a notice provided pursuant to subsection (a) within the 30-day period specified in subsection (b) or does not describe the action, if any, that the prospective defendant has taken or will take to remedy the problem identified by the prospective plaintiff within the subsequent 60 days, the 90-day period specified in subsection (a) shall terminate at the end of that 30-day period as to that prospective defendant and the prospective plaintiff may thereafter commence its action against that prospective defendant.

(d) FAILURE TO PROVIDE NOTICE- If a defendant determines that a plaintiff has filed a year 2000 action without providing the notice specified in subsection (a) and without awaiting the expiration of the 90-day period specified in subsection (a), the defendant may treat the plaintiff's complaint as such a notice by so informing the court and the plaintiff in its initial response to the complaint. If any defendant elects to treat the complaint as such a notice--

(1) the court shall stay all discovery in the action involving that defendant for the applicable time period provided in subsection (a) or (c), as the case may be, after filing of the complaint; and

(2) the time for filing answers and all other pleadings shall be tolled during such applicable period.

(e) EFFECT OF CONTRACTUAL WAITING PERIODS- In cases in which a contract or a statute enacted before January 1, 1999, requires notice of nonperformance and provides for a period of delay prior to the initiation of suit for breach or repudiation of contract, the period of delay provided in the contract or the statute is controlling over the waiting period specified in subsections (a) and (d).

(f) SANCTION FOR FRIVOLOUS INVOCATION OF THE STAY PROVISION- In any action in which a defendant acts pursuant to subsection (d) to stay the action, and the court subsequently finds that the defendant's assertion that the suit is a year 2000 action was frivolous and made for the purpose of causing unnecessary delay, the court may award sanctions to opposing parties in accordance with the provisions of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the equivalent applicable State rule.

(g) COMPUTATION OF TIME- For purposes of this section, the rules regarding computation of time shall be governed by the applicable Federal or State rules of civil procedure.

(h) SPECIAL RULE FOR CLASS ACTIONS- For the purpose of applying this section to a year 2000 action that is maintained as a class action in Federal or State court, the requirements of the preceding subsections of this section apply only to named plaintiffs in the class action.



(1) At any time during the 90-day period specified in section 101(a), either party may request the other to use alternative dispute resolution. If, based upon that request, the parties enter into an agreement to use alternative dispute resolution, they may also agree to an extension of the 90-day period.

(2) At any time after expiration of the 90-day period specified in section 101(a), whether before or after the filing of a complaint, either party may request the other to use alternative dispute resolution.

(b) PAYMENT OF MONEYS DUE- If the parties resolve their dispute through alternative dispute resolution as provided in subsection (a), the defendant shall pay all moneys due within 30 days, unless another period of time is agreed to by the parties or established by contract between the parties.

(c) FORECLOSURE OF FURTHER PROCEEDINGS ON RESOLVED ISSUES- Resolution of the issues by the parties prior to litigation through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution shall foreclose any further proceedings with respect to those issues.


(a) APPLICATION WITH RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE- This section applies exclusively to year 2000 claims and, except to the extent that this section requires additional information to be contained in or attached to pleadings, nothing in this section is intended to amend or otherwise supersede applicable rules of Federal or State civil procedure.

(b) NATURE AND AMOUNT OF DAMAGES- With respect to any year 2000 claim that seeks the award of money damages, the complaint shall state with particularity the nature and amount of each element of damages, and the factual basis for the damages calculation.

(c) MATERIAL DEFECTS- With respect to any year 2000 claim in which the plaintiff alleges that a product or service was defective, the complaint shall identify with particularity the symptoms of the material defects and shall state with particularity the facts supporting the conclusion that the defects are material.

(d) REQUIRED STATE OF MIND- With respect to any year 2000 claim as to which the plaintiff may prevail only on proof that the defendant acted with a particular state of mind, the complaint shall, with respect to each element of the year 2000 claim, state with particularity the facts giving rise to a strong inference that the defendant acted with the required state of mind.


(1) DISMISSAL FOR FAILURE TO MEET PLEADING REQUIREMENTS- In any year 2000 action, the court shall, on the motion of any defendant, dismiss the complaint without prejudice if the requirements of subsection (a), (b), or (c) are not met with respect to any year 2000 claim asserted therein.

(2) STAY OF DISCOVERY- In any year 2000 action, all discovery shall be stayed during the pendency of any motion to dismiss, unless the court finds upon the motion of any party that particularized discovery is necessary to preserve evidence or prevent undue prejudice to that party.


(A) IN GENERAL- During the pendency of any stay of discovery entered pursuant to this subsection, unless otherwise ordered by the court, any party to the action with actual notice of the allegations contained in the complaint shall treat all documents, data compilations (including electronically stored or recorded data), and tangible objects that are in the custody or control of such person and that are relevant to the allegations, as if they were a subject of a continuing request for production of documents from an opposing party under applicable Federal or State rules of civil procedure.

(B) SANCTION FOR WILLFUL VIOLATION- A party aggrieved by the willful failure of an opposing party to comply with subparagraph (A) may apply to the court for an order awarding appropriate sanctions.


Damages awarded for any year 2000 claim shall exclude compensation for damages the plaintiff could reasonably have avoided in light of any disclosure or other information of which the plaintiff was, or reasonably should have been, aware, including information made available by the defendant to purchasers or users of the defendant's product or services concerning means of remedying or avoiding the year 2000 failure.





(a) IN GENERAL- Subject to subsection (b), in resolving any year 2000 claim, any written contractual term, including a limitation or an exclusion of liability, or a disclaimer of warranty, shall be fully enforced unless the enforcement of that term would manifestly and directly contravene applicable State law embodied in any statute in effect on January 1, 1999, specifically addressing that term.

(b) INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT- In resolving any year 2000 claim as to which a contract to which subsection (a) applies is silent with respect to a particular issue, the interpretation of the contract with respect to that issue shall be determined by applicable law in effect at the time the contract was executed.


(a) DOCTRINE OF IMPOSSIBILITY AND COMMERCIAL IMPRACTICABILITY- With respect to any year 2000 claim for breach or repudiation of contract, the applicability of the doctrines of impossibility and commercial impracticability shall be determined by the law in existence on January 1, 1999. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting or impairing a party's right to assert defenses based upon such doctrines.

(b) REASONABLE EFFORTS- To the extent that impossibility or commercial impracticability is raised as a defense against a claim for breach or repudiation of contract, the party asserting the defense shall be allowed to offer evidence that its implementation of the contract, or its efforts to implement the contract, were reasonable in light of the circumstances.


With respect to any year 2000 claim involving a breach of contract or a claim related to the contract, no party may claim or be awarded any category of damages unless such damages are allowed by the express terms of the contract or, if the contract is silent on such damages, by operation of the applicable Federal or State law that governed interpretation of the contract at the time the contract was entered into.





(a) IN GENERAL- A person against whom a final judgment is entered with respect to a year 2000 claim, other than a claim for breach or repudiation of contract, shall be liable solely for the portion of the judgment that corresponds to the percentage of responsibility of that person, as determined under subsection (b).


(1) IN GENERAL- With respect to any year 2000 claim, the court shall instruct the jury to answer special interrogatories, or if there is no jury, shall make findings, with respect to each defendant and plaintiff, and each of the other persons claimed by any of the parties to have caused or contributed to the loss incurred by the plaintiff, including (but not limited to) persons who have entered into settlements with the plaintiff or plaintiffs, concerning the percentage of responsibility of the defendant, the plaintiff, and each such person, measured as a percentage of the total fault of all persons who caused or contributed to the total loss incurred by the plaintiff.

(2) CONTENTS OF SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES OR FINDINGS- The responses to interrogatories, or findings, as appropriate, under paragraph (1) shall specify the total amount of damages that the plaintiff is entitled to recover and the percentage of responsibility of each person found to have caused or contributed to the loss incurred by the plaintiff or plaintiffs.

(3) FACTORS FOR CONSIDERATION- In determining the percentage of responsibility under this subsection, the trier of fact shall consider--

(A) the nature of the conduct of each person alleged to have caused or contributed to the loss incurred by the plaintiff; and

(B) the nature and extent of the causal relationship between the conduct of each such person and the damages incurred by the plaintiff or plaintiffs.

(4) NONDISCLOSURE TO JURY- The standard for allocation of damages under paragraph (1) shall not be disclosed to members of the jury.


(a) IN GENERAL- With respect to any year 2000 claim for money damages in which--

(1) the defendant is not the manufacturer, seller, or distributor of a product, or the provider of a service, that suffers or causes the year 2000 failure at issue;

(2) the plaintiff is not in substantial privity with the defendant; and

(3) the defendant's actual or constructive awareness of an actual or potential year 2000 failure is an element of the claim under applicable law,

the defendant shall not be liable unless the plaintiff, in addition to establishing all other requisite elements of the claim, proves by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant actually knew, or recklessly disregarded a known and substantial risk, that such failure would occur.

(b) SUBSTANTIAL PRIVITY- For purposes of subsection (a)(2), a plaintiff and a defendant are in substantial privity when, in a year 2000 claim arising out of the performance of professional services, the plaintiff and the defendant either have contractual relations with one another or the plaintiff is a person who, prior to the defendant's performance of such services, was specifically identified to and acknowledged by the defendant as a person for whose special benefit the services were being performed.

(c) CERTAIN CLAIMS EXCLUDED- For purposes of subsection (a)(3), claims in which the defendant's actual or constructive awareness of an actual or potential year 2000 failure is an element of the claim under applicable law do not include claims for negligence but do include claims such as fraud, constructive fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, negligent misrepresentation, and interference with contract or economic advantage.


With respect to any year 2000 claim seeking money damages, except with respect to claims asserting breach or repudiation of contract--

(1) the fact that a year 2000 failure occurred in an entity, facility, system, product, or component that was sold by, leased by, rented by, or otherwise within the control of the party against whom the claim is asserted shall not constitute the sole basis for recovery; and

(2) the party against whom the claim is asserted shall be entitled to establish, as a complete defense to the claim, that it took measures that were reasonable under the circumstances to prevent the year 2000 failure from occurring or from causing the damages upon which the claim is based.


(a) STANDARD FOR AWARDS- With respect to any year 2000 claim for which punitive damages may be awarded under applicable law, the defendant shall not be liable for punitive damages unless the plaintiff proves by clear and convincing evidence that conduct carried out by the defendant showed a conscious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of others and was the proximate cause of the harm or loss that is the subject of the year 2000 claim. This requirement is in addition to any other requirement in applicable law for the award of such damages.


(1) IN GENERAL- With respect to any year 2000 claim, if a defendant is found liable for punitive damages, the amount of punitive damages that may be awarded to a plaintiff shall not exceed the greater of--

(A) three times the amount awarded to the plaintiff for compensatory damages; or

(B) $250,000.


(A) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding paragraph (1), with respect to any year 2000 claim, if the defendant is found liable for punitive damages and the defendant--

(i) is an individual whose net worth does not exceed $500,000;

(ii) is an owner of an unincorporated business that has fewer than 25 full-time employees; or

(iii) is--

(I) a partnership;

(II) corporation;

(III) association;

(IV) unit of local government; or

(V) organization,

that has fewer than 25 full-time employees,

the amount of punitive damages shall not exceed the lesser of three times the amount awarded to the plaintiff for compensatory damages, or $250,000.

(B) APPLICABILITY- For purposes of determining the applicability of this paragraph to a corporation, the number of employees of a subsidiary of a wholly owned corporation shall include all employees of a parent corporation or any subsidiary of that parent corporation.

(3) APPLICATION OF LIMITATIONS BY THE COURT- The limitations contained in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be applied by the court and shall not be disclosed to the jury.


(a) LIMITATION ON RECOVERY OF ECONOMIC LOSSES- Subject to subsection (b), a plaintiff making a year 2000 claim alleging a nonintentional tort may recover economic losses only upon establishing, in addition to all other elements of the claim under applicable law, that any one of the following circumstances exists:

(1) The recovery of such losses is provided for in a contract to which the plaintiff is a party.

(2) Such losses are incidental to a year 2000 claim based on damage to tangible personal or real property caused by a year 2000 failure (other than damage to property that is the subject of a contract between the parties involved in the year 2000 claim).

(b) RECOVERY MUST BE PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW- Economic losses shall be recoverable under this section only if applicable Federal law, or applicable State law embodied in statute or controlling judicial precedent as of January 1, 1999, permits the recovery of such losses.


(a) IN GENERAL- A director, officer, or trustee of a business or other organization (including a corporation, unincorporated association, partnership, or nonprofit organization) shall not be personally liable with respect to any year 2000 claim in his or her capacity as a director or officer of the business or organization for an aggregate amount that exceeds the greater of--

(1) $100,000; or

(2) the amount of cash compensation received by the director or officer from the business or organization during the 12-month period immediately preceding the act or omission for which liability was imposed.

(b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION- Nothing in this section shall be deemed to impose, or to permit the imposition of, personal liability on any director, officer, or trustee in excess of the aggregate amount of liability to which such director, officer, or trustee would be subject under applicable State law in existence on January 1, 1999 (including any charter or bylaw authorized by such State law).





(a) IN GENERAL- In any year 2000 action involving a year 2000 claim that a product or service is defective, the action may be maintained as a class action in Federal or State court as to that claim only if it satisfies all other prerequisites established by applicable Federal or State law and the court also finds that the alleged defect in the product or service was a material defect as to a majority of the members of the class.

(b) DETERMINATION BY COURT- As soon as practicable after the commencement of a year 2000 action involving a year 2000 claim that a product or service is defective and that is brought as a class action, the court shall determine by order whether the requirement set forth in subsection (a) is satisfied. An order under this subsection may be conditional, and may be altered or amended before the decision on the merits.


(a) NOTICE BY MAIL- In any year 2000 action that is maintained as a class action, the court, in addition to any other notice required by applicable Federal or State law, shall direct notice of the action to each member of the class by United States mail, return receipt requested. Persons whose actual receipt of the notice is not verified by the court or by counsel for one of the parties shall be excluded from the class unless those persons inform the court in writing, on a date no later than the commencement of trial or entry of judgment, that they wish to join the class.

(b) CONTENTS OF NOTICE- In addition to any information required by applicable Federal or State law, the notice described in this subsection shall--

(1) concisely and clearly describe the nature of the action;

(2) identify the jurisdiction whose law will govern the action and where the action is pending;

(3) identify any potential claims that class counsel chose not to pursue so that the action would satisfy class certification requirements;

(4) describe the fee arrangements with class counsel, including the hourly fee being charged, or, if it is a contingency fee, the percentage of the final award which will be paid, including an estimate of the total amount that would be paid if the requested damages were to be granted; and

(5) describe the procedure for opting out of the class.

(c) SETTLEMENT- The parties to a year 2000 action that is brought as a class action may not enter into, nor request court approval of, any settlement or compromise before the class has been certified.


Before determining whether to certify a class in a year 2000 action, the court may decide a motion to dismiss or for summary judgment made by any party if the court concludes that decision will promote the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy and will not cause undue delay.


(a) JURISDICTION- Except as provided in subsection (b), a year 2000 action may be brought as a class action in the United States district court or removed to the appropriate United States district court if the amount in controversy is greater than the sum or value of $1,000,000 (exclusive of interest and costs), computed on the basis of all claims to be determined in the action.

(b) EXCEPTION- A year 2000 action shall not be brought or removed as a class action under this section if--


(A) the substantial majority of the members of the proposed plaintiff class are citizens of a single State of which the primary defendants are also citizens; and

(B) the claims asserted will be governed primarily by the laws of that State; or

(2) the primary defendants are States, State officials, or other governmental entities against whom the United States district court may be foreclosed from ordering relief.




SEC. 501. SCOPE.

This title applies to any year 2000 action asserted or brought in Federal or State court.


In this title:

(1) ATTORNEY- the term `attorney' means any natural person, professional law association, corporation, or partnership authorized under applicable State law to practice law.

(2) ATTORNEY'S SERVICES- The term `attorney's services' means the professional advice or counseling of or representation by an attorney, but such term shall not include other assistance incurred, directly or indirectly, in connection with an attorney's services, such as administrative or secretarial assistance, overhead, travel expenses, witness fees, or preparation by a person other than the attorney of any study, analysis, report, or test.

(3) CONTINGENT FEE- The term `contingent fee' means the cost or price of an attorney's services determined by applying a specified percentage, which may be a firm fixed percentage, a graduated or sliding percentage, or any combination thereof, to the amount of the settlement or judgment obtained.

(4) HOURLY FEE- The term `hourly fee' means the cost or price per hour of an attorney's services.

(5) RETAIN- The term `retain' means the act of a client in engaging an attorney's services, whether by express or implied agreement, by seeking and obtaining the attorney's services.


Before being retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action, an attorney shall disclose to the client the client's rights under this title and the client's right to receive a written statement of the information described under sections 504 and 505.


(a) WRITTEN DISCLOSURE OF FEES- Within 30 days after the disclosure described under section 503, an attorney retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action shall provide a written statement to the client setting forth--

(1) in the case of an attorney retained on an hourly basis, the attorney's hourly fee for services in pursuing the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action and any conditions, limitations, restrictions, or other qualifications on the fee, including likely expenses and the client's obligation for those expenses; and

(2) in the case of an attorney retained on a contingent fee basis, the attorney's contingent fee for services in pursuing the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action and any conditions, limitations, restrictions, or other qualifications on the fee, including likely expenses and the client's obligation for those expenses.

(b) CONSUMER'S RIGHT TO TIMELY UPDATED INFORMATION ABOUT FEES- In addition to the requirements contained in subsection (a), in the case of an attorney retained on an hourly basis, the attorney shall also render regular statements (at least once each 90 days) to the client containing a description of hourly charges and expenses incurred in the pursuit of the client's year 2000 claim or year 2000 action by each attorney assigned to the client's matter.


An attorney retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action shall advise the client of all written settlement offers to the client and of the attorney's estimate of the likelihood of achieving a more or less favorable resolution to the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action, the likely timing of such resolution, and the likely attorney's fees and expenses required to obtain such a resolution. An attorney retained by a client with respect to a year 2000 claim or a year 2000 action shall, within a reasonable time not later than 60 days after the date on which the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action is finally settled or adjudicated, provide a written statement to the client containing--

(1) in the case of an attorney retained on an hourly basis, the actual number of hours expended by each attorney on behalf of the client in connection with the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action, the attorney's hourly rate, and the total amount of hourly fees; and

(2) in the case of an attorney retained on a contingent fee basis, the total contingent fee for the attorney's services in connection with the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action.


An attorney representing a class or a defendant in a year 2000 action maintained as a class action shall make the disclosures required under this title to the presiding judge, in addition to making such disclosures to each named representative of the class. The presiding judge shall, at the outset of the year 2000 action, determine a reasonable attorney's fee by determining the appropriate hourly rate and the maximum percentage of the recovery to be paid in attorney's fees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or agreement to the contrary, the presiding judge shall award attorney's fees only pursuant to this title.


(a) OFFER OF SETTLEMENT- With respect to any year 2000 claim, any party may, at any time not less than 10 days before trial, serve upon any adverse party a written offer to settle the year 2000 claim for money or property, including a motion to dismiss the claim, and to enter into a stipulation dismissing the claim or allowing judgment to be entered according to the terms of the offer. Any such offer, together with proof of service thereof, shall be filed with the clerk of the court.

(b) ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER- If the party receiving an offer under subsection (a) serves written notice on the offeror that the offer is accepted, either party may then file with the clerk of the court the notice of acceptance, together with proof of service thereof.

(c) FURTHER OFFERS NOT PRECLUDED- The fact that an offer under subsection (a) is made but not accepted does not preclude a subsequent offer under subsection (a). Evidence of an offer is not admissible for any purpose except in proceedings to enforce a settlement, or to determine costs and expenses under this section.

(d) EXEMPTION OF CLAIMS- At any time before judgment is entered, the court, upon its own motion or upon the motion of any party, may exempt from this section any year 2000 claim that the court finds presents a question of law or fact that is novel and important and that substantially affects nonparties. If a claim is exempted from this section, all offers made by any party under subsection (a) with respect to that claim shall be void and have no effect.

(e) PETITION FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS, ETC- If all offers made by a party under subsection (a) with respect to a year 2000 claim, including any motion to dismiss the claim, are not accepted and the dollar amount of the judgment, verdict, or order that is finally issued (exclusive of costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred after judgment or trial) with respect to the year 2000 claim is not more favorable to the offeree with respect to the year 2000 claim than the last such offer, the offeror may file with the court, within 10 days after the final judgment, verdict, or order is issued, a petition for payment of costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred with respect to the year 2000 claim from the date the last such offer was made or, if the offeree made an offer under this section, from the date the last such offer by the offeree was made.

(f) ORDER TO PAY COSTS, ETC- If the court finds, pursuant to a petition filed under subsection (e) with respect to a year 2000 claim, that the dollar amount of the judgment, verdict, or order that is finally issued is not more favorable to the offeree with respect to the year 2000 claim than the last such offer, the court shall order the offeree to pay the offeror's costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred with respect to the year 2000 claim from the date the last offer was made or, if the offeree made an offer under this section, from the date the last such offer by the offeree was made, unless the court finds that requiring the payment of such costs and expenses would be manifestly unjust.

(g) AMOUNT OF ATTORNEY'S FEES- Attorney's fees under subsection (f) shall be a reasonable attorney's fee attributable to the year 2000 claim involved, calculated on the basis of an hourly rate which may not exceed that which the court considers acceptable in the community in which the attorney practices law, taking into account the attorney's qualifications and experience and the complexity of the case, except that the attorney's fees under subsection (f) may not exceed--

(A) the actual cost incurred by the offeree for an attorney's fee payable to an attorney for services in connection with the year 2000 claim; or

(B) if no such cost was incurred by the offeree due to a contingency fee agreement, a reasonable cost that would have been incurred by the offeree for an attorney's noncontingent fee payable to an attorney for services in connection with the year 2000 claim.

(h) INAPPLICABILITY TO EQUITABLE REMEDIES- This section does not apply to any claim seeking an equitable remedy.

(i) INAPPLICABILITY TO CLASS ACTIONS- This section does not apply with respect to a year 2000 action brought as a class action.


A client whose attorney fails to comply with this title may file a civil action for damages in the court in which the year 2000 claim or year 2000 action was filed or could have been filed or other court of competent jurisdiction. The remedy provided by this section is in addition to any other available remedy or penalty.

Copyright (C) 1999 Takato NATSUI, All rights reserved.


