









182 犯罪及び侵害行為一般

5章 財産に対する犯罪

71 コンピュータ犯罪


1821521 略称


1821522 定義






コンピュータ・プログラム」とは,コード化された命令または文を表現するデータの秩序付けられたセットであって,それがコンピュータで実行されると,コンピュータに1以上の コンピュータの運用を実行させるものを意味する。







1. 不動産

2. コンピュータ及びコンピュータ・ネットワーク

3. 証券,コンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・プログラム,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,次のいずれであるかを問わず,他のすべての動産

a. 有形か無形か

b. 人間に読み取り可能なフォーマットか,または,コンピュータに読み取り可能なフォーマットか

c. コンピュータ間,コンピュータ・ネットワーク内,または,コンピュータを含む装置相互間で送信中のものかどうか

d. 紙の上にあるか,または,それが人間によって記憶されたか,コンピュータによって記憶されたかを問わず,装置の中にあるか,並びに,

4. コンピュータ・サービス


1. コンピュータまたはコンピュータ・ネットワークに対し,コンピュータの運用を実行させ,もしくは,その実行を停止させること,または,それらを試みること

2. コンピュータ,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,コンピュータ・プログラム,コンピュータ・データまたはコンピュータ・ソフトウェアを他のユーザによる使用の保留もしくは拒否を発生させること,または,その発生を試みること,または,

3. 他人に対して,虚偽の情報をコンピュータに入れさせること,または,それを試みること


1821523 コンピュータ詐欺


1. 虚偽の体裁による財産もしくはサービスの入手

2. 横領もしくは窃盗,または,

3. 他人の財産との交換


1821524 コンピュータ侵入,処罰

A. 次のいずれかの意図で,無権限で,コンピュータまたはコンピュータ・ネットワークを使用した者は,コンピュータ侵入により有罪である。

1. コンピュータもしくはコンピュータ・ネットワークから,コンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・プログラムまたはコンピュータ・ソフトウェアを,一時的もしくは恒久的に移動すること,停止させること,もしくは,その他使用不能にすること

2. その機能不全の期間の長さを問わず,コンピュータに機能不全を発生させること

3. コンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・プログラムまたはコンピュータ・ソフトウェアを改変すること,もしくは,削除すること

4. 証券または資金の電子移動の発生もしくは変更に悪影響を与えること

5. 他人の財産に対し物理的な損害を発生させること

6. コンピュータもしくはコンピュータ・ネットワークの中にある,もしくは,これらと通信接続されている,もしくは,これらによって作成され,印刷され,もしくは,電子化された全てのコンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・プログラムまたはコンピュータ・ソフトウェアを含め(これらに限定されるわけではない。),何らかの形式の無権限複製を作成すること,または,無権限作成が作成されるようにすること


B. 本条の条項は,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・ネットワーク, コンピュータの運用,コンピュータ・プログラム,コンピュータ・サービスもしくはコンピュータ・ソフトウェアに関連する契約もしくはライセンス期間もしくは契約条件に対して干渉するもの,または,制限を加えるものと解釈してはならない。

1821525 コンピュータによるプライバシー侵害

A. 労働関係情報,賃金情報,信用情報またはその他の金融情報もしくは個人情報を調査する意図で,無権限で,コンピュータまたはコンピュータ・ネットワークを使用した者は,コンピュータによるプライバシー侵害により有罪である。本条における「調査」とは,表示された情報を無権限で閲覧していることを犯罪行為者が知った時点,もしくは,それを知るべきであった時点以降に,他人に関する情報を観察したことを要する。

B. コンピュータによるプライバシー侵害は,クラス3の軽罪として処罰される。

1821526 コンピュータ・サービスの窃盗


1821527 コンピュータによる人身傷害

A. 自然人に対して身体損傷を発生させる意図で,無権限で,コンピュータまたはコンピュータ・ネットワークを使用した者は,コンピュータによる人身傷害により有罪である。

B. コンピュータによる人身傷害が害意により実行された場合には,クラス3の重罪として処罰される。当該行為が違法に,かつ,害意によるのではなく実行された場合には,コンピュータによる人身傷害は,クラス1の軽罪として処罰される。

1821528 横領罪の対象となり得る動産


1. コンピュータ及びコンピュータ・ネットワーク

2. 証券,コンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・プログラム,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,次のいずれであるかにかかわらず,その他の動産

a. 有形であるか無形であるか

b. 人間に読み取り可能なフォーマットか,もしくは,コンピュータに読み取り可能なフォーマットか

c. コンピュータ間,コンピュータ・ネットワーク内,または,コンピュータを含む装置相互間で伝送中のものかどうか,または,

d. 紙の上にあるか,または,それが人間によって記憶されたか,コンピュータによって記憶されたかを問わず,装置の中にあるか

3. コンピュータ・サービス

1821529 刑事訴追の制限


18215210 訴追のための裁判管轄地


1. 本節に違反する行為の遂行中に実行された行為があった場所

2. 保有者が主たる営業所を置いている州内の場所

3. 違反行為者が違反行為によって得た収益の管理もしくは所持を有していた場所,または,違反行為の遂行中に使用した図書,記録,文書,財産,証券,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,コンピュータ・データ,または,その他の物の管理もしくは所持を有していた場所

4. 電話回線,電磁回線,マイクロ波,または,その他の通信手段のいずれであるかを問わず,コンピュータもしくはコンピュータ・ネットワークからのアクセス,それらへのアクセス,または,それらを介したアクセスがなされた場所;

5. 違反行為者の居住地

6. 訴追されている違反行為がなされた時点において,違反行為の対象もしくは道具とされたコンピュータが置かれていた場所

18215211 本節の非排他性


18215212 民事救済,損害賠償

A. 本節のいずれかの条項の違反によってその財産または身体に被害を受けた者は,被った損害の回復及び訴訟費用の支払を求める民事訴訟を提起することができる。用語の一般性の制限にかかわらず,「損害」は,損失及び利益を含む。

B. 本条に従って提起された訴訟のいずれかの当事者から申立があったときは,裁判所は,その自由裁量により,同じ行為もしくは類似行為が他人によって繰り返される可能性を排除し,かつ,当事者の営業秘密を保護するための場合を含め,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,コンピュータ・データ,コンピュータ・プログラム及びコンピュータ・ソフトウェアの機密性及び安全性を保護するための方法としての全ての法的手段を講ずることができる。

C. 本節の条項は,法によって許容された別の付加的な民事救済を申立てる私人の権利を制限するものと解釈してはならない。

D. 本条に基づく民事訴訟は,第801401.に規定する期間内に提起されなければならない。

18215213 分離可能性


18215214 偽造の道具としてのコンピュータ


Code of Virginia

Title 18.2. Crimes and Offenses Generally.

Chapter 5. Crimes against Property.

Article 7.1. Computer Crimes.


Sec. 18.2-152.1 Short title

This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Virginia Computer Crimes Act."

Sec. 18.2-152.2 Definitions

For purposes of this article:

"Computer" means an electronic, magnetic, optical, hydraulic or organic device or group of devices which, pursuant to a computer program, to human instruction, or to permanent instructions contained in the device or group of devices, can automatically perform computer operations with or on computer data and can communicate the results to another computer or to a person. The term "computer" includes any connected or directly related device, equipment, or facility which enables the computer to store, retrieve or communicate computer programs, computer data or the results of computer operations to or from a person, another computer or another device.

"Computer data" means any representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or instructions which is being prepared or has been prepared and is intended to be processed, is being processed, or has been processed in a computer or computer network. "Computer data" may be in any form, whether readable only by a computer or only by a human or by either, including, but not limited to, computer printouts, magnetic storage media, punched cards, or stored internally in the memory of the computer.

"Computer network" means a set of related, remotely connected devices and any communications facilities including more than one computer with the capability to transmit data among them through the communications facilities.

"Computer operation" means arithmetic, logical, monitoring, storage or retrieval functions and any combination thereof, and includes, but is not limited to, communication with, storage of data to, or retrieval of data from any device or human hand manipulation of electronic or magnetic impulses. A "computer operation" for a particular computer may also be any function for which that computer was generally designed.

"Computer program" means an ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements that, when executed by a computer, causes the computer to perform one or more computer operations.

"Computer services" includes computer time or services or data processing services or information or data stored in connection therewith.

"Computer software" means a set of computer programs, procedures and associated documentation concerned with computer data or with the operation of a computer, computer program, or computer network.

"Financial instrument" includes, but is not limited to, any check, draft, warrant, money order, note, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit or debit card, transaction authorization mechanism, marketable security, or any computerized representation thereof.

"Owner" means an owner or lessee of a computer or a computer network or an owner, lessee, or licensee of computer data, computer programs, or computer software.

"Person" shall include any individual, partnership, association, corporation or joint venture.

"Property" shall include:

1. Real property;

2. Computers and computer networks;

3. Financial instruments, computer data, computer programs, computer software and all other personal property regardless of whether they are:

a. Tangible or intangible;

b. In a format readable by humans or by a computer;

c. In transit between computers or within a computer network or between any devices which comprise a computer; or

d. Located on any paper or in any device on which it is stored by a computer or by a human; and

4. Computer services.

A person "uses" a computer or computer network when he:

1. Attempts to cause or causes a computer or computer network to perform or to stop performing computer operations;

2. Attempts to cause or causes the withholding or denial of the use of a computer, computer network, computer program, computer data or computer software to another user; or

3. Attempts to cause or causes another person to put false information into a computer.

A person is "without authority" when he has no right or permission of the owner to use a computer, or, he uses a computer in a manner exceeding such right or permission.

Sec. 18.2-152.3 Computer fraud

Any person who uses a computer or computer network without authority and with the intent to:

1. Obtain property or services by false pretenses;

2. Embezzle or commit larceny; or

3. Convert the property of another

shall be guilty of the crime of computer fraud. If the value of the property or services obtained is $200 or more, the crime of computer fraud shall be punishable as a Class 5 felony. Where the value of the property or services obtained is less than $200, the crime of computer fraud shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Sec. 18.2-152.4 Computer trespass; penalty

A. A person shall be guilty of the crime of computer trespass if he uses a computer or computer network without authority and with the intent to:

1. Temporarily or permanently remove, halt, or otherwise disable any computer data, computer programs, or computer software from a computer or computer network;

2. Cause a computer to malfunction regardless of how long the malfunction persists;

3. Alter or erase any computer data, computer programs, or computer software;

4. Effect the creation or alteration of a financial instrument or of an electronic transfer of funds;

5. Cause physical injury to the property of another; or

6. Make or cause to be made an unauthorized copy, in any form, including, but not limited to, any printed or electronic form of computer data, computer programs, or computer software residing in, communicated by, or produced by a computer or computer network.

Computer trespass shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. If there is damage to the property of another valued at $2,500 or more caused by such person's reckless disregard for the consequences of his act in violation of this section, the offense shall be punished as a Class 1 misdemeanor. If there is damage to the property of another valued at $2,500 or more caused by such person's malicious act in violation of this section, the offense shall be punishable as a Class 6 felony.

B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with or prohibit terms or conditions in a contract or license related to computers, computer data, computer networks, computer operations, computer programs, computer services, or computer software.

Sec. 18.2-152.5 Computer invasion of privacy

A. A person is guilty of the crime of computer invasion of privacy when he uses a computer or computer network and intentionally examines without authority any employment, salary, credit or any other financial or personal information relating to any other person. "Examination" under this section requires the offender to review the information relating to any other person after the time at which the offender knows or should know that he is without authority to view the information displayed.

B. The crime of computer invasion of privacy shall be punishable as a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Sec. 18.2-152.6 Theft of computer services

Any person who willfully uses a computer or computer network, with intent to obtain computer services without authority, shall be guilty of the crime of theft of computer services, which shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Sec. 18.2-152.7 Personal trespass by computer

A. A person is guilty of the crime of personal trespass by computer when he uses a computer or computer network without authority and with the intent to cause physical injury to an individual.

B. If committed maliciously, the crime of personal trespass by computer shall be punishable as a Class 3 felony. If such act be done unlawfully but not maliciously, the crime of personal trespass by computer shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Sec. 18.2-152.8 Property capable of embezzlement

For purposes of s.18.2-111, personal property subject to embezzlement shall include:

1. Computers and computer networks;

2. Financial instruments, computer data, computer programs, computer software and all other personal property regardless of whether they are:

a. Tangible or intangible;

b. In a format readable by humans or by a computer;

c. In transit between computers or within a computer network or between any devices which comprise a computer; or

d. Located on any paper or in any device on which it is stored by a computer or by a human; and

3. Computer services.

Sec. 18.2-152.9 Limitation of prosecution

Notwithstanding the provisions of s.19.2-8, prosecution of a crime which is punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to this article must be commenced before the earlier of (i) five years after the commission of the last act in the course of conduct constituting a violation of this article or (ii) one year after the existence of the illegal act and the identity of the offender are discovered by the Commonwealth, by the owner, or by anyone else who is damaged by such violation.

Sec. 18.2-152.10 Venue for prosecution

For the purpose of venue under this article, any violation of this article shall be considered to have been committed in any county or city:

1. In which any act was performed in furtherance of any course of conduct which violated this article;

2. In which the owner has his principal place of business in the Commonwealth;

3. In which any offender had control or possession of any proceeds of the violation or of any books, records, documents, property, financial instrument, computer software, computer program, computer data, or other material or objects which were used in furtherance of the violation;

4. From which, to which, or through which any access to a computer or computer network was made whether by wires, electromagnetic waves, microwaves, or any other means of communication;

5. In which the offender resides; or

6. In which any computer which is an object or an instrument of the violation is located at the time of the alleged offense.

Sec. 18.2-152.11 Article not exclusive

The provisions of this article shall not be construed to preclude the applicability of any other provision of the criminal law of this Commonwealth which presently applies or may in the future apply to any transaction or course of conduct which violates this article, unless such provision is clearly inconsistent with the terms of this article.

Sec. 18.2-152.12 Civil relief; damages

A. Any person whose property or person is injured by reason of a violation of any provision of this article may sue therefor and recover for any damages sustained, and the costs of suit. Without limiting the generality of the term, "damages" shall include loss of profits.

B. At the request of any party to an action brought pursuant to this section, the court may, in its discretion, conduct all legal proceedings in such a way as to protect the secrecy and security of the computer, computer network, computer data, computer program and computer software involved in order to prevent possible recurrence of the same or a similar act by another person and to protect any trade secrets of any party.

C. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to limit any person's right to pursue any additional civil remedy otherwise allowed by law.

D. A civil action under this section must be commenced before expiration of the time period prescribed in s.8.01-40.1.

Sec. 18.2-152.13 Severability

If any provision or clause of this article or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this article which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this article are declared to be severable.

Sec. 18.2-152.14 Computer as instrument of forgery

The creation, alteration, or deletion of any computer data contained in any computer or computer network, which if done on a tangible document or instrument would constitute forgery under Article 1 (s.18.2-168 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of this Title, will also be deemed to be forgery. The absence of a tangible writing directly created or altered by the offender shall not be a defense to any crime set forth in Article 1 (s.18.2-168 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of this Title if a creation, alteration, or deletion of computer data was involved in lieu of a tangible document or instrument.

Copyright (C) 1998 Takato NATSUI, All rights reserved.

Last Modified: Jan/15/2002

