



これは,アメリカ合衆国ケンタッキー州の刑法典(Kentucky Revised Statutes : title XL - Crimes and Punishments)のうち,コンピュータ犯罪に関連する部分(Unlawful Access to a Computer)の仮訳です。誤訳もあるかもしれません。ご注意ください。

定義規定で「知的財産 intellectual property」という用語が出てきますが,これは,著作権とか特許権などを指す「知的財産権 intellectual property」とは異なる意味で,この法律限りの用法として用いられており,コンピュータに関連する資産というような意味で定義されています。





§434.840.  定  義


(1) 「アクセス」とは,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,もしくは,コンピュータ・ネットワークに接近すること,命令すること,これらと通信すること,これらの中にデータを記憶すること,これらからデータを検索すること,その他これらの資源を使用できるようにすることを意味する。

(2) 「コンピュータ」とは,ジョブを処理している間,人のオペレータの関与なしに,演算操作もしくは論理操作を含め,実質的な計算を実行することができる装置を意味する。

(3) 「コンピュータ・ネットワーク」とは,2以上のコンピュータ・システムのセットであって,それに接続された通信ネットワークを通じてデータを転送するものを意味する。

(4) 「コンピュータ・プログラム」とは,コード化された命令もしくは文であるデータのセットであって,コンピュータで実行されると,コンピュータにデータ処理を実行させるものを意味する。

(5) 「コンピュータ・ソフトウェア」とは,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,または,コンピュータ・ネットワークの運用に関連するコンピュータ・プログラム,手順及び関連文書のセットを意味する。

(6) 「コンピュータ・システム」とは,コンピュータを含む装置と,次のもの(ただし,これらに限定されるわけではない。)の中の1以上を含む装置との接続されたセットを意味する。


(7) 「データ」は,情報,知識,事実,概念または命令の表現であって,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システムまたはコンピュータ・ネットワーク内に一定の形式で配置されたもの,もしくは,配置されているものであり,かつ,その内部で記憶・実行されるべきもの,記憶・実行されているもの,または,記憶・実行されたものである。

(8) 「金融手段」は,小切手,預手,手形,社債,為替,定期預金証書,流通証券,信用状,為替手形,クレジットカード,デビット・カード,市場性有価証券,または,これらのコンピュータ・システム上の表現を含むが,これらに限定されるわけではない。

(9) 「知的財産」は,データを含む。それは,コンピュータ・プリントアウト,磁気記憶媒体,パンチカード(ただし,これらに限定されるわけではない。)を含む何らかの形態で存在し得るものであり,かつ,コンピュータ内のメモリに記憶され得るものである。

(10) 「処理する」とは,指定された結果を生成するためのシステマティックな運用の流れを介して,データを入れるためにコンピュータを使用することを意味する。

(11) 「財産」は,いずれも人間または機械に閲読可能な形式の,知的財産,金融手段,データ,コンピュータ・プログラム,データに関連する文書,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム及びコンピュータ・プログラム,並びに,有形・無形の有価物を含むが,これらに限定されるわけではない。

(12) 「サービス」は,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,または,データの仕事を処理するための使用を含むが,これらに限定されるわけではない。

§434.845. 第1度のコンピュータ違法アクセス

(1) 故意に,直接・間接に,次のいずれかの目的で,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,データ,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,または,これらの構成部分にアクセスする者,アクセスされるようにする者,アクセスを試みる者は,第1度のコンピュータ違法アクセスの罪により有罪である。

(a) 詐欺のための計画もしくは手口の考案もしくは実行;

(b) 虚偽もしくは詐欺的な申し出,表現もしくは約束による,自己または第三者のための,金銭,財産もしくはサービスの獲得;または,

(c) コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,プログラム,もしくは,データの改変,毀損もしくは破壊,もしくは,改変,毀損もしくは破壊の試み;

(2) 当該行為が単に情報を入手するための目的だけで実行されたものであり,かつ,本条に規定する他の違反行為を犯すものでもない場合には,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,データ,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,もしくは,これらの構成部分へのアクセス,または,アクセスの試みは,たとえそのアクセスもしくはアクセスの試みの中に,虚偽もしくは詐欺的な申し出,表現もしくは約束が含まれていたような場合であっても,本条の違反行為を構成するものではない。

(3) 第1度のコンピュータ違法アクセスは,クラスCの重罪である。

§434.850.  第2度のコンピュータ違法アクセス

(1) 故意に,無権限で,直接・間接に,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,データ,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,コンピュータ・ネットワーク,または,これらの構成部分にアクセスする者,アクセスされるようにする者,または,アクセスを試みる者は,第2度のコンピュータ違法アクセスの罪により有罪である。

(2) 第2度のコンピュータ違法アクセスは,クラスAの軽罪である。

§434.855.  コンピュータ情報の濫用

(1) 次のいずれかの者は,コンピュータ情報の濫用の罪により有罪である。

(a) 434.845条の違反行為によって得られたものを受領し,隠蔽し,使用し,もしくは,他人がそうすることを支援する者;または,

(b) それが434.845条の違反行為に使用されたものであること,もしくは,その違反行為によって得られたものと同一のものであることを認識しながら,本,レコード,文書,財産,金融手段,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,その他のマテリアル,財産または物体を受領し,隠蔽し,使用し,もしくは,他人がそうすることを支援する者;

(2) コンピュータ情報の濫用は,クラスCの重罪である。

§434.860.  犯罪行為地

434.845条,434.850 条または 434.855条においては,434.845条,434.850 条もしくは 434.855条の各違反行為は,434.845条,434.850 条もしくは 434.855条に違反する業務の遂行中の行為がなされた郡(County),犯人が上記違反行為によって入手したもの,または,上記違反行為の遂行に際して使用した本,レコード,文書,財産,金融手段,コンピュータ・ソフトウェア,コンピュータ・プログラム,その他のマテリアル,物体もしくはアイテムについて,違反行為者がその管理もしくは所持を有する郡(County),または,電話線,電磁波,マイクロ波,その他の通信手段のいずれによるとを問わず,コンピュータ,コンピュータ・システム,もしくは,コンピュータ・ネットワークへのアクセスの発信地,目的地または通過地である郡(Conty),の中のいずれかにおいてなされたものとみなす。

Sec. 434.840 Definitions.

For the purposes of KRS 434.845 and 434.850, the following words (including any form of the word) and terms shall have the following meanings:

(1) "Access" means to approach, instruct, communicate with, store data in, retrieve or intercept data from, or otherwise make use of any resources of, a computer, computer system, or computer network;

(2) "Computer" means a device that can perform substantial computation, including numerous arithmetic or logic operations, without intervention by a human operator during the processing of a job;

(3) "Computer network" means a set of two (2) or more computer systems that transmit data over communication circuits connecting them;

(4) "Computer program" means an ordered set of data that are coded instructions or statements that when executed by a computer cause the computer to process data;

(5) "Computer software" means a set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation concerned with the operation of a computer, computer system, or computer network;

(6) "Computer system" means a set of connected devices including a computer and other devices including, but not limited to, one (1) or more of the following: data input, output, or storage devices, data communication circuits, and operating system computer programs that make the system capable of performing data processing tasks;

(7) "Data" is a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or instructions which are being prepared or have been prepared in a formalized manner, and is intended to be stored or processed, or is being stored or processed, or has been stored or processed, in a computer, computer system or computer network;

(8) "Financial instruments" includes, but is not limited to, any check, cashier's check, draft, warrant, money order, certificate of deposit, negotiable instrument, letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit card, debit card, or marketable security, or any computer system representation thereof;

(9) "Intellectual property" includes data, which may be in any form including, but not limited to, computer printouts, magnetic storage media, punched cards, or may be stored internally in the memory of a computer;

(10) "To process" is to use a computer to put data through a systematic sequence of operations for the purpose of producing a specified result;

(11) "Property" includes, but is not limited to, intellectual property, financial instruments, data, computer programs, documentation associated with data, computers, computer systems and computer programs, all in machine-readable or human-readable form, and any tangible or intangible item of value; and

(12) "Services" includes, but is not limited to, the use of a computer, a computer system, a computer network, computer software, computer program, or data to perform tasks.

Sec. 434.845 Unlawful access to a computer in the first degree.

(1) A person is guilty of unlawful access to a computer in the first degree when he knowingly and willfully, directly or indirectly accesses, causes to be accessed, or attempts to access any computer software, computer program, data, computer, computer system, computer network, or any part thereof, for the purpose of:

(a) Devising or executing any scheme or artifice to defraud; or

(b) Obtaining money, property, or services for themselves or another by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises; or

(c) Altering, damaging, destroying, or attempting to alter, damage, or destroy, any computer, computer system, or computer network, or any computer software, program, or data.

(2) Accessing, attempting to access, or causing to be accessed any computer software, computer program, data, computer, computer system, computer network, or any part thereof, even though fraud, false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises may have been involved in the access or attempt to access shall not constitute a violation of this section if the sole purpose of the access was to obtain information and not to commit any other act proscribed by this section.

(3) Unlawful access to a computer in the first degree is a Class C felony.

Sec. 434.850 Unlawful access to a computer in the second degree.

(1) A person is guilty of unlawful access to a computer in the second degree when he without authorization knowingly and willfully, directly or indirectly accesses, causes to be accessed, or attempts to access any computer software, computer program, data, computer, computer system, computer network, or any part thereof.

(2) Unlawful access to a computer in the second degree is a Class A misdemeanor.

Sec. 434.855 Misuse of computer information.

(1) A person is guilty of misuse of computer information when he:

(a) Receives, conceals, or uses, or aids another in doing so, any proceeds of a violation of KRS 434.845; or

(b) Receives, conceals, or uses or aids another in doing so, any books, records, documents, property, financial instrument, computer software, computer program, or other material, property, or objects, knowing the same to have been used in or obtained from a violation of KRS 434.845.

(2) Misuse of computer information is a Class C felony.

Sec. 434.860 Venue.

For the purpose of venue under the provisions of KRS 434.845, 434.850 or 434.855, any violation of KRS 434.845, 434.850 or 434.855 shall be considered to have been committed: in any county in which any act was performed in furtherance of any transaction violating KRS 434.845, 434.850 or 434.855; in any county in which any violator had control or possession of any proceeds of said violation or of any books, records, documents, property, financial instrument, computer software, computer program or other material, objects or items which were used in furtherance of said violation; and in any county from which, to which or through which any access to a computer, computer system, or computer network was made whether by wires, electromagnetic waves, microwaves or any other means of communication.

532.005 Chapters 532, 533 and 534 to apply to crimes outside provisions of the Penal Code.

KRS Chapters 532, 533 and 534 apply to all classes of crimes committed outside the provisions of the Penal Code.

532.010 Classification of offenses.

Felonies are classified, for the purpose of sentencing, into five categories:

(1) Capital offenses;

(2) Class A felonies;

(3) Class B felonies;

(4) Class C felonies; and

(5) Class D felonies.

Sec. 532.020 Designation of offenses.

(1) Any offense defined outside this code for which a law outside this code provides a sentence to a term of imprisonment in the state penitentiary or reformatory for:

(a) At least one (1) but not more than five (5) years shall be deemed a Class D felony;

(b) At least five (5) but not more than ten (10) years shall be deemed a Class C felony;

(c) At least ten (10) but not more than twenty (20) years shall be deemed a Class B felony;

(d) For twenty (20) or more years shall be deemed a Class A felony.

(2) Any offense defined outside this code for which a law outside this code provides a sentence to a definite term of imprisonment with a maximum which falls between ninety (90) days and twelve (12) months shall be deemed a Class A misdemeanor.

(3) Any offense defined outside this code for which a law outside this code provides a sentence to a definite term of imprisonment with a maximum of less than ninety (90) days shall be deemed a Class B misdemeanor.

(4) Any offense defined outside this code for which a law outside this code provides a sentence to a fine only or to any other punishment, whether in combination with a fine or not, other than death or imprisonment shall be deemed a violation.

Sec. 532.060 Sentence of imprisonment for felony.

(1) A sentence of imprisonment for a felony shall be an indeterminate sentence, the maximum of which shall be fixed within the limits provided by subsection (2), and subject to modification by the trial judge pursuant to KRS 532.070.

(2) The authorized maximum terms of imprisonment for felonies are:

(a) For a Class A felony, not less than twenty (20) years nor more than life imprisonment;

(b) For a Class B felony, not less than ten (10) years nor more than twenty (20) years;

(c) For a Class C felony, not less than five (5) years nor more than ten (10) years; and

(d) For a Class D felony, not less than one (1) year nor more than five (5) years.

(3) The actual time of release within the maximum established by subsection (1), or as modified pursuant to KRS 532.070, shall be determined under procedures established elsewhere by law.

Sec. 532.090 Sentence of imprisonment for misdemeanor.

A sentence of imprisonment for a misdemeanor shall be a definite term and shall be fixed within the following maximum limitations:

(1) For a Class A misdemeanor, the term shall not exceed twelve (12) months; and

(2) For a Class B misdemeanor, the term shall not exceed ninety (90) days.

Sec. 534.030 Fines for felonies.

(1) Except as otherwise provided for an offense defined outside this code, a person who has been convicted of any felony shall, in addition to any other punishment imposed upon him, be sentenced to pay a fine in an amount not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and not greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or double his gain from commission of the offense, whichever is the greater.

(2) In determining the amount and method of paying a fine for commission of a felony, the court shall consider, among others, the following factors:

(a) The defendant's ability to pay the amount of the fine;

(b) The hardship likely to be imposed on the defendant's dependents by the amount of the fine and the time and method of paying it;

(c) The impact the amount of the fine will have on the defendant's ability to make reparation or restitution to the victim; and (d) The amount of the defendant's gain, if any, derived from the commission of the offense.

(3) When a defendant is convicted of two (2) or more felonies committed through a single act and is sentenced to fines pursuant to subsection (1), the aggregate amount of the fines shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or double the amount of the defendant's gain from commission of the offenses, whichever is the greater.

(4) Fines required by this section shall not be imposed upon any person determined by the court to be indigent pursuant to KRS Chapter 31.

(5) This section shall not apply to a corporation.

Sec. 534.040 Fines for misdemeanors and violations.

(1) Fines and imprisonment for misdemeanors shall not be mutually exclusive. In any case where imprisonment is authorized, a fine may be levied in addition to the imprisonment, or a fine may be levied as an alternative to imprisonment.

Similarly, a fine may be levied in lieu of imprisonment. Whether the fine is to be levied as the sole penalty or as an additional or alternative penalty shall be in the discretion of the judge or jury as the case may be. If the trial is by jury, the jury shall have the discretion. This rule shall apply in all cases where a fine is not the exclusive penalty authorized by law.

(2) Except as otherwise provided for an offense defined outside this code, a person who has been convicted of any offense other than a felony shall be sentenced, in addition to any other punishment imposed upon him, to pay a fine in an amount not to exceed:

(a) For a Class A misdemeanor, five hundred dollars ($500); or

(b) For a Class B misdemeanor, two hundred fifty dollars ($250); or

(c) For a violation, two hundred fifty dollars ($250).

(3) This section shall not apply to a corporation.

(4) Fines required by this section shall not be imposed upon any person determined by the court to be indigent pursuant to KRS Chapter 31.

Sec. 534.050 Fines against corporations.

(1) For an offense defined in this code a corporation convicted of an offense may be sentenced to pay a fine in an amount not to exceed:

(a) For a felony of any class, $20,000; or

(b) For a Class A misdemeanor, $10,000; or

(c) For a Class B misdemeanor, $5,000; or

(d) For a violation, $500; or

(e) Double the amount of the defendant's gain from commission of the offense, whichever is the greater.

(2) For an offense defined outside this code for which no special corporate fine is specified, a corporation convicted of an offense may be sentenced to pay a fine in an amount not to exceed:

(a) $20,000, if the offense when committed by an individual has an authorized term of imprisonment in the penitentiary; or

(b) $10,000, if the offense when committed by an individual has an authorized term of imprisonment of not less than ninety (90) days nor more than twelve (12) months; or

(c) $5,000, if the offense when committed by an individual has an authorized term of imprisonment of less than ninety (90) days; or

(d) $500, if the offense when committed by an individual has no authorized term of imprisonment; or (e) Double the amount of the defendant's gain from commission of the offense, whichever is the greater.

(3) For an offense defined outside this code for which a special corporate fine is specified, a corporation convicted of the offense may be sentenced to pay a fine in the amount specified in the law that defines the offense.

Copyright (C) 1998 Takato Natsui, All rights reserved.


