Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Meiji University Department of Mechanical Engineering

We pursue new technical developments in fluid mechanics research.


Past News

Member in AY2023

Yoshitsugu Naka(Faculty Database, Google Scholar

Post-doc: 1
Master course students: 9
Undergraduates: 7

Research Topics

Wall pressure field measurement with microphone array

Flow control using ultrasonic acoustic streaming actuators

Impact of the Coanda effect on the propeller air flow

Turbulence structure and pressure fluctuation in turbulent boundary layer

ppiv ppiv

pwpos pwneg

Lectures in 2023

Currently these lectures are all taught in Japanese...


Ikuta campus, Meiji University

1-1-1, Higashimita Tama-ku Kawasaki-city Kanagawa, 214-8571

Room: 4203 (bldg #4, 2F; Yon-go-kan bldg)

Access to Ikuta campus

Ikuta campus map

E-mail: naka (at) meiji.ac.jp
