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Gallery of Paper-Made Ambiguous Cylinders (紙製変身柱体のギャラリー)

Symmetric figures (対称な形)

Butterfly and ribbon (蝶とリボン)
Bumble bee and bat (熊蜂とコウモリ)
Star and ribbon (星とリボン)
Rombus and triangles (ひし形と三角)
Sugar star and candy(金平糖とあめ玉)
Decomposition and merge of rectangles (四角形の分解・融合)
Mountain and bridge (山と橋)
Twin mountaions and double-arch bridge (双子の山と二重アーチ橋)
Star and Helmet (星とかぶと)
Star and space fighter (星と宇宙戦闘機)
Heart and witch crown (ハートと魔女の冠)
Bird and bat (鳥とコウモリ)
H and + (Hとプラス)

Reversing figures (逆を向く変身)

Rocket (ロケット)
Flat fish (ヒラメ)
Placard (プラカード)
Gold fish (金魚)
Battledore (羽子板)
Twin triangles (二つの三角)
Four triangles (四つの三角)
Arrow (矢印)
Fan (扇)
Whale (鯨)

Figures with modified sides (側面加工立体)

Fish with mouth open (口を開いた魚)

Horizontally placed cylinders: bottle and wine glass (水平置きの柱体:ボトルとワイングラス)

Adding lines on the outer side makes illusion stronger. (柱体の外側に線を入れると錯視が強まります。)

Other horizontally placed cylinders (そのほかの水平置きの柱体)

Somersaulting vase (逆立ちする花瓶)
Limbless wooden dall and vase(こけしと花瓶)