Meiji University


2009 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy
December 9, 2009
Academy Common, Surugadai-Campus
Meiji University
Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, Japan

This homepage was updated on Dec. 2, 2009. V22

2009.12.2 The Advanced Program is available.
2009.12.1 Plenary Speakers are as follows:

Plenary Talk 1

Time: 10:10-11:10

Reliability Issues in Power System Planning and Operations with Renewable Energy Sources

Chanan Signh, Texas A&M University, USA

Break (11:10-11:30)

Plenary Talk 2

Time: 11:30-12:30

Advances in Training Intelligent Systems with Entropy Concepts: Wind Power Prediction and Other Applications

Vladimiro Miranda, INSEC, Portugal

Lunch Break (12:30-13:50)

Plenary Talk 3

Time: 13:50-14:50

Sustainable Delivery of Electricity

Felix F. Wu, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong

Break (14:50-15:10)

Plenary Talk 4

Time: 15:10-16:10

Study on Various Forms of Sustainable Energy

Li Wang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

The homepage was open.


Picture of Academy Common at Surugadai Campus