International Conference on Production and Distribution
to celebrate 50 years anniversary of the publication of Production of Commodities
by Means of Commodities
Dates: September 4-6, 2010
Place: Meiji University Click here Access
Address: 1-1 kandasurugadai, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 101-8301 JAPAN
Building : Academy Common Click here
Rooms: 309A,B,C
Download----Map ( Meiji University)
- Sraffa's Contribution, other topics on Sraffa
- Classical Economics
- Theories of Production and Distribution
- Input-Output Analysis, Systems of Production and Empirical Studies
- Post Keynesian Economics (including Macroeconomics and Finance)
Invited Scholars :
Professor Pierangelo Garegnani (University of Rome 3)
Professor Heinz D. Kurz (University of Graz)
Prof. Takashi Yagi
School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University
1-1 Kandasurugadai, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, 101-8301,Japan
TEL: +81-3-3296-2089, FAX: +81-3-3296-2350
Organizing Committee: :
Prof. Takashi YAGI (Meiji Univ) Home page
1. Sessions on the Topics of History of Economic Thought
Prof. Masashi IZUMO (Kanagawa Univ.),
Prof. Susumu TAKENAGA (Daitobunka Univ.),
Prof. Katsuyoshi WATARAI (Waseda Univ.)
Prof. Akira NAGAMINE (Meiji Univ)
2. Sessions on Theoretical Topics
Prof. Toichiro ASADA(Chuo Univ),
Prof. Manabu KASAMATSU (Waseda Univ.)
Prof. Ryuzo KUROKI (Rikkyo Univ.)
Dr. Kazuhiro KUROSE (Tohoku Univ.),
Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshida(Nihon University)
Prof. Kazunori Watanabe (Nishogakusha University)
3. Sessions on Empirical Studies and Input-Output Analysis
Prof. Toshiaki HASEGAWA(Chuo Univ.)
Mr Norihisa SAKURAI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
Administrative Staff
Mr. Naoto Yagi
Dr. Masahiro Ouchi
Dr. Koji Hayama
Miss Rumi Miura
Mrs. Moda: